Donor in Zendesk ticket #1350747 / CID 43793551 reached out after receiving their donation receipt to let us know the amount that is shown as donated on the receipt is incorrect.
The donation receipt says INR 25.00 and in Civi it also says INR 25.00 if you look at the transaction id in Civi it is 191773530.1.
However, if you look up the same transaction ID in dLocal, 191773530.1, it says the donation amount is INR 101.00 not INR 25.00. Thus the amount donated in dLocal doesn't match the amount donated in Civi.
As you can see in the image above when looking at dLocal under the donor's email address it appears that there were two separate donation attempts of INR 101.00 (approved) and INR 51.00 (rejected).
So far, this is the first instance of this issue we've come across but will flag if we come across any others. Could we look into the cause of the mismatch and if it is possible to correct the donor's civi record so that we may send them a corrected receipt?