UA72181U - Method for determination of state of liver fibrosis in patients with liver cirrhosis of non-virus origin in dynamics of treatment
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Method for determination of state of liver fibrosis in patients with liver cirrhosis of non-virus origin in dynamics of treatment
Буковинский Государственный Медицинский Университет Мз Украины
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Application filed by Буковинский Государственный Медицинский Университет Мз УкраиныfiledCriticalБуковинский Государственный Медицинский Университет Мз Украины
Priority to UAU201200891UpriorityCriticalpatent/UA72181U/en
Publication of UA72181UpublicationCriticalpatent/UA72181U/en
A method for determination of state of liver fibrosis of non-virus origin in dynamics of treatment includes standard investigation by diagnostic methods (general and bio-chemical blood analysis, ultrasonic investigation of organs of abdominal cavity, etc). With the purpose of determination of changes of state of liver fibrosis before and after treatment carried out additionally the level of transforming growth factor -βin blood of patient is determined.
UAU201200891U2012-01-302012-01-30Method for determination of state of liver fibrosis in patients with liver cirrhosis of non-virus origin in dynamics of treatment