1334528 - 099年08月17日修正替换頁 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 [0001] 本發明涉及一種散熱器扣具,尤係涉及一種用於將散熱 器安裝固定至一發熱電子元件上之散熱器扣具,本發明 還涉及一種使用該散熱器扣具之散熱裝置組合。 【先前技術】 [0002] 隨著電腦產業之飛速發展,微處理晶片等發熱電子元件 在運行時產生之熱量越來越多,為將發熱電子元件所產 生之熱量有效散發,現在業界較常用之方法係在發熱電 子元件之表面貼設一散熱器以對發熱電子元件進行散熱 ' ,使發熱電子元件在適當之溘度下運行/ [0003] 為將散熱器緊貼於發熱電子元件之表面+,·一,般先在電路 板上設置一固定座,再藉由作用於散熱器上之扣具與該 固定座相扣接以對散熱器施加壓迫作用,從而使散熱器 受壓而緊密地貼設於該發熱電子元件之表面。 [0004] 如中華民國專利第M246674號揭示一種散熱器扣具,該散 熱器扣具作用於散熱器之兩側。使用該散熱器扣具安裝 固定散熱器時,由於該散熱器扣具未設有可發生彈性變 形之結構,該散熱器扣具與散熱器之間因受長期衝擊, 如散熱風扇運轉時所產生振動之影響,易使散熱器與發 熱電子元件之間結合不緊密而降低散熱效率。 【發明内容】 [0005] 有鑒於此,有必要提供一種扣合穩定之散熱器扣具及使 用該散熱器扣具之散熱裝置組合。 096121739 表單編號A0101 第3頁/共19頁 0993293792-0 1334528 099年08月17日接正替換頁 [0006] 一種散熱器扣具’其包括-扣件、-操作元件及-樞接 7C件其中錢作疋件具有—呈捲曲狀並能發生彈性形 變之抵壓部及與該抵部相連之—握持部,該扣件之頂 端藉由°請接元件偏^地拖接於該操作元件之抵壓部。 [0007] -種散熱裝置組合,包括—蚊座、設於該固定座内之 _散㈣及作用於該散熱器之兩側以安裝固㈣散熱器 之-對散熱器扣具,每—散熱器扣具包括—可相對散熱 器作上下移動之知件、—操作元件及—樞接元件,該扣 件之底端有扣接結構並藉由該扣接結構與固定座相扣 接’其中該操作元件具有__呈捲曲狀並能發生彈性形變 之抵壓部及與該抵壓部相連之匕‘持部,該扣件之頂端 藉由該樞接元件偏心地枢接於該抵壓部,該抵壓部向下 抵壓該散熱器》 [0008] [0009] 096121739 與習知技術相比,上述散熱器扣具中,由於該操作元件 具有一呈捲曲狀並能發生彈性形變之抵壓部,在安裝固 又散熱器時,該捲曲之抵壓部可提供較好之彈性扣合力 ’使散熱器受長期衝擊後仍能與發熱電子元件之間保持 較好之接觸效果,從而保證兩者間之傳熱效率。 【實施方式】 圖1所示為本發明較佳實施例中散熱裝置組合之立體分解 圖’ s玄散熱裝置組合包括V—固定座10、一散熱器2〇及一 對散熱器扣具30。該固定座10安裝於一電路板4〇上,該 电路板40上貼設有一發熱電子元件50如中央處理器等晶 片’該散熱器20貼設於該發熱電子元件50之表面,該二 散熱器扣具3〇分別設於該散熱器20相對之兩側,藉由散 表單編號A0101 第4頁/共19頁 0993293792-0 1334528 099年08月17日接正替换頁 熱器扣具30與固定座10扣接,可使散熱器2〇與發熱電子 元件50之表面緊密接觸,以將發熱電子元件所產生之 熱量藉由散熱器20有效地散發。 [0010] 該固定座10包括二座體11、12,該二座體丨丨' 12大體呈 直線型並對稱設於發熱電子元件5 〇相對之兩側,並藉由 螺絲鎖合等方式固定安裝在電路板上。二座體〖I、12 之中部分別向外側凸設有一凸塊111、121。該二座體11 、12在相對之兩内側分別設有一朝内側開口之凹陷丨2 3以 用於在安裝散熱器20時對散熱器20進行定位。 [0011] 該散熱器20包括一基座21,,蓼數敢熱片22、一蓋板23及 複數U形熱管24。該基座21 £了袅面貼;設於畚熱電子元件 50之上表面以吸收發熱電子先件產生4熱量。各散 熱片22垂直設置於基座21之上表面,並藉由焊接等方式 與基座21固定在一起。該等散熱片22互相平行且在相鄰 兩散熱片22之間形成有供氣流通過之氣流通道。 [0012] 該蓋板23兩個側邊之中部與二:座體u、丨2之凸塊m、 121相對應分別向外水平凸設有一平台231 ,合散熱器20 安裝固定時’該兩平台231恰好分別位於二座體11、12上 所設凸塊111、121之上方。每一平台231之中部沿其縱 向設有一滑槽232,所述滑槽232貫穿蓋板23之上、下兩 個表面。該蓋板23之兩側邊位於所述平台231兩側之部分 分別向下接著再向内延伸形成一勾合部233,散熱片22在 相對兩側之上部對應蓋板23上之勾合部233分別形成有一 水平之切槽221。該蓋板23在靠近其四個角之位置分別設 有一安裝孔234,該等安裝孔234用於將一散熱風扇(圖 096121739 表單編號A0101 第5頁/共19頁 0993293792-0 1334528 099年08月17日接正替换百 未示)固定至蓋板23之上方。該蓋板23之中部還設有一 圓形通孔235 ’散熱風扇所產生之氣流可經該通孔235流 向散熱片22間之氣流通道’從而與散熱片22進行熱交換 。為增加傳熱效率,該等U形熱管24穿設於散熱片22中, 其—端與基座21相接觸,以快速地將基座21吸收之熱量 傳至各散熱片22 » [0013] 請同時參照圖2,該散熱器扣具30包括一扣件31、一操作 元件32、及一用於柩接該扣件31與操作元件32之一樞接 元件33。該樞接元件33為一圓柱形拖銷〇該扣件31為由 呈片板狀之金屬板體經衝壓方式一體成型之一板狀體。 該扣件31之頂端311設有可梃樞樓元件33穿設之一圓形樞 接孔312,其底端313設有與固定座1〇相扣接之扣接結構 ,在本實施例中,該扣接結構為一套接孔314。該扣件31 並不局限於圖2中所示形狀,該扣件31還可為其它形狀, 如-倒“Τ”字形之板狀體’同時該板狀體之底端亦可設 置多個套接孔,相應地,固定座1〇之二座體丨丨、12上亦 可對應設置多個凸塊。 [0014] 096121739 該操作元件32由—呈片板狀之金屬板體經衝壓方式-體 成=’其包括-捲曲之抵壓部321及與該抵壓部321相連 =握持部322 »該抵壓部321整體捲曲成橢圓環狀,其 平整狀之上板部323、與上板部323相對之一平整 呈“ r,板°M24、於一側連接上、下板部323、324之-c”划㉟之弧形部325及與該_部325相對之另一呈“ 324 連— 另^為自由私,該自由端折回並抵靠於上板 >表單坞號ΑΟίοι 笫6頁/共19頁 0993293792-0 1334528 099年08月17日接正替換頁 部323與握持部322之相接處。該上板部如相對之兩外 〇刀別垂直向下延伸形成_耳部327,每—耳部327在靠 近上板部323之位置形成有一圓形樞接孔328,即該極接 孔328相對於抵壓部321之橢圓十心呈偏心設置。該耳部 327上所設框接孔328之大小與扣件31之頂端3ιι上所設 柩接孔312之大小相當,以便於柜接元件33之穿設。該抵 坚P321之上、下板部323 : 324及兩弧形部325、326之 中部沿縱向開設有-環形導槽329,該導槽329貫穿上、 下板部323、324及兩弧形部325、326各自兩相對之表面 。該操作元件32之握持部322係自抵壓部321之上板部 323水平向右延伸形成,並且雜挣部⑽之末段稍向上 翹曲,以便於握持操作。 [0015] 請同時參照圖3至圖5,在安裝@定散㈣2G前,先將蓋 板23兩側邊上所設之勾合部233沿切槽221之縱向同時滑 入至散熱#22兩側所設之切槽221中,將散熱器扣具3〇之 扣件31之頂端311自蓋板23下侧向上穿過蓋板23兩側所 設之滑槽232 ’同時將散熱器扣具30之操作元件32設於蓋 板23之上側,使扣件31之頂端311穿設於操作元件犯之 抵虔部321上所設之導槽329内,並使扣件31之頂端311 所设之樞接孔312與操作元件3 2之抵壓部321上所設之樞 接孔328對準,再藉由樞接元件33將扣件31與操作元件 32枢接在一起,樞接元件33之兩端可採取鉚合等方式來 防止柩接元件32從樞接孔328、312中滑脫。 接著,將散熱器20置於固定座1〇之二座體u、12内側所 设之凹陷123内,使操作元件32之抵壓部321之上板部 096121739 表單編號A0101 第7頁/共19頁 0993293792-0 [0016] 1334528 323與蓋板23之上表面相對,將扣件31之底端313所設之 套接孔314分別套設於二座體11、12外側所設之凸塊Η】 、121中,此時’扣件31之套接孔314與座體u、12之凸 塊U1、121處於未扣合狀態(如圖3所示)。沿順時針方 向扳動操作元件32之握持部322,使操作元件32之抵壓部 321繞樞接元件33轉動,當旋轉至抵壓部321之下板部 324與蓋板23之上表面相接觸時,由於該樞接元件33之軸 心靠近該抵壓部321之上板部323呈偏心設置,此時,該 樞接元件33之轴心相對於扳動操作前向上移了一段距離 ,該距離即為枢接元件33之軸心與上、下板部324之間之 距離差。該樞接元件33之轴,_上移純㈣目應地向上 提昇該扣件31,使扣件31之套接孔314緊扣於二座體u 、12外側所設之凸塊U1、121,即為_所示之扣合狀 態。該操作元件32之抵壓部321可相應地給散熱器2〇之蓋 板23施加向下之壓合力,從而使散熱器2〇之基座2丨之下 表面緊貼於發熱電子元件5〇之表面上。 [0017] 099年08月17日 在拆卸散熱器20時,操作者僅需沿與安襞固定時相反之 方向扳動該操作元件32之握持部322,使操作元件32之抵 壓部321繞極接元件33之轴心轉動,當旋轉至抵壓部如 之上板部323與散熱器2G之蓋板23之上表面相對時,該枢 接元件33之軸心相對於松解前向下移動1㈣,該散 熱器扣具3G之扣件31向下移動相應之距離,此時,扣件 31之套接孔314與二座仙、12上之凸台川、i2i間處 於鬆開狀態,向外扳動扣件31之底端313,使4件“之套 接孔314與:減11、121之凸台in、,從而很 096121739 表單編號A0101 第8頁/共19頁 0993293792-0 1334528 [0018] 099年08月17日修正替換頁1 方便地將散熱器20拆卸》 -----1 該散熱器扣具30中,由於該操作元件32呈片板狀且且 有一呈捲曲狀之抵壓部321,在安裝固定散熱謂時Γ該 呈捲曲狀之抵壓部321可提供較好之彈 坪改扣合力,從而使 散熱器20與發熱電子元件50之間緊密接觸,且該彈性之 抵壓部321具有較好之抗衝擊能力,可使該散熱獅與發 熱電子元件50在㈣長_料㈣糾狀接觸效果 ’從而確保兩者間之傳熱效率。該操作元件32之抵壓部 32丨設有一遠離枢接元件33之軸心之下板部犯4,在該散 熱器扣具30處於扣接狀態時,可使操作元件32之抵壓部 321與散熱器20上相抵靠之部位保持穩固之^狀態。 [0019] 綜上所述,本發明符合發明專利要彳牛,麦谖法提出專利 申請。惟,以上所述者僅為本發明之較佳實施例,舉凡 熟悉本案技藝之人士,在爰依本發明精神所作之等效修 飾或變化,皆應涵蓋於以下之申請專利範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 [0020]圖1係本發明較佳實施例中散熱裝置組合之立體分解圖。 [0021] 圖2係圖1所示散熱裝置組合中其中一散熱器扣具之立體 分解圖》 [0022] 圖3係圖1所示散熱裝置組合在散熱器扣具扣合前之側視 圖0 [0023] 圖4係圖1所示散熱裝置組合在散熱器扣具扣合後之側視 圖。 [0024] 096121739 圖5係圖1所示散熱裝置組合之立體組裝圖。 表單編3t A0101 第 9 頁/共 19 頁 0993293792-0 1334528 【主要元件符號說明】 [0025] 固定座:10 [0026] 座體:11、12 [0027] 凸塊:111、121 [0028] 凹陷:123 [0029] 散熱器:20 [0030] 基座:21 [0031] 散熱片:22 [0032] 切槽:221 [0033] 蓋板:23 [0034] 平台:231 [0035} 滑槽:232 [0036] 勾合部:2 3 3 [0037] 安裝孔:234 [0038] 通孔:235 [0039] 熱管:24 [0040] 散熱器扣具:30 [0041] 扣件:31 [0042] 頂端:311 [0043] 樞接孔:312、328 表單編號A0101 096121739 第10頁/共19頁 099年08月17日梭正替换頁 0993293792-0 1334528 [0044] 底端:313 [0045] 套接孔:314 [0046] 操作元件:32 [0047] 抵壓部:321 [0048] 握持部:322 [0049] 上板部:323 [0050] 下板部:324 [0051] 弧形部:325、326 [0052] 耳部:327 [0053] 導槽:329 [0054] 樞接元件:33 [0055] 電路板:40 [0056] 電子元件:50 096121739 表單編號A0101 第11頁/共19頁 099年08月17日修正替換百 0993293792-01334528 - Aug. 17, 2008, Amendment page 6. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] [0001] The present invention relates to a heat sink clip, and more particularly to a method for mounting and fixing a heat sink to a heat generating electron The heat sink clip on the component, the invention also relates to a heat sink assembly using the heat sink clip. [Previous Technology] [0002] With the rapid development of the computer industry, heat generated by heat-generating electronic components such as micro-processing wafers is increasing in operation, and the heat generated by the heat-generating electronic components is effectively distributed. The method is to apply a heat sink on the surface of the heat-generating electronic component to dissipate heat from the heat-generating electronic component, so that the heat-generating electronic component operates at an appropriate temperature / [0003] to adhere the heat sink to the surface of the heat-generating electronic component + First, a fixing seat is first arranged on the circuit board, and then a buckle acting on the heat sink is fastened to the fixing seat to apply a pressing force to the heat sink, so that the heat sink is pressed tightly Attached to the surface of the heat-generating electronic component. [0004] For example, the Republic of China Patent No. M246674 discloses a heat sink clip that acts on both sides of the heat sink. When the heat sink clip is used to install and fix the heat sink, since the heat sink clip is not provided with a structure that can be elastically deformed, the heat sink clip and the heat sink are subjected to long-term impact, such as when the heat sink fan is operated. The influence of vibration makes it difficult to combine the heat sink and the heat-generating electronic components to reduce heat dissipation efficiency. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0005] In view of the above, it is desirable to provide a snap-fit stable heat sink clip and a heat sink assembly using the same. 096121739 Form No. A0101 Page 3/Total 19 Page 0993293792-0 1334528 Aug. 17th, 2008. Replacement page [0006] A heat sink clip that includes a fastener, an operating element, and a pivoting 7C. The money-making member has a pressing portion that is curled and elastically deformable, and a grip portion that is connected to the abutting portion, and the top end of the fastener member is dragged to the operating member by the contact element The pressure department. [0007] - a combination of heat dissipating devices, comprising - a mosquito seat, a scatter (four) disposed in the fixed seat, and a pair of heat sink clips acting on the sides of the heat sink to mount the solid (four) heat sink, each of the heat sink The buckle comprises: a movable member movable up and down with respect to the heat sink, an operating element and a pivoting component, wherein the bottom end of the fastener has a fastening structure and is fastened to the fixing seat by the fastening structure. The operating element has a crimping portion and a resiliently deformable pressing portion and a clamping portion connected to the pressing portion. The top end of the fastening member is eccentrically pivotally connected to the pressing member by the pivoting member. The pressure-receiving portion presses the heat sink downwards. [0008] [0009] 096121739 Compared with the prior art, in the above-mentioned heat sink clip, the operating element has a curl shape and can be elastically deformed. The pressing portion can provide a better elastic fastening force when the fixing and the heat sink are installed, so that the heat sink can maintain a good contact effect with the heat-generating electronic component after being subjected to long-term impact, thereby Ensure the heat transfer efficiency between the two. [Embodiment] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a heat dissipating device assembly in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The combination of a heat sink assembly includes a V-mount 10, a heat sink 2, and a pair of heat sink clips 30. The mounting base 10 is mounted on a circuit board 4, and a heat-generating electronic component 50 such as a central processing unit is attached to the circuit board 40. The heat sink 20 is attached to the surface of the heat-generating electronic component 50. The fasteners 3 are respectively disposed on opposite sides of the heat sink 20, and are replaced by the form number A0101, page 4/19 pages, 0993293792-0 1334528, August 17, 2017. The fixing base 10 is fastened to make the heat sink 2〇 in close contact with the surface of the heat-generating electronic component 50, so that the heat generated by the heat-generating electronic component is effectively radiated by the heat sink 20. [0010] The fixing base 10 includes two bases 11 and 12. The two bases 12 are substantially linear and symmetrically disposed on opposite sides of the heat-generating electronic component 5, and are fixed by screwing or the like. Installed on the board. The middle portions of the two seats 〖I and 12 are respectively convexly convexly provided with a bump 111, 121. The two bases 11, 12 are respectively provided with a recessed opening 213 for opening on the inner side of the opposite sides for positioning the heat sink 20 when the heat sink 20 is mounted. [0011] The heat sink 20 includes a base 21, a plurality of heat sheets 22, a cover plate 23, and a plurality of U-shaped heat pipes 24. The susceptor 21 has a top surface sticker; and is disposed on the upper surface of the enthalpy electronic component 50 to absorb the heat generating electronic component to generate 4 heat. Each of the heat radiating fins 22 is vertically disposed on the upper surface of the base 21, and is fixed to the base 21 by welding or the like. The fins 22 are parallel to each other and an air flow passage through which air flows therethrough is formed between adjacent fins 22. [0012] The middle portion of the two side edges of the cover plate 23 and the protrusions m and 121 of the base body u and the 丨2 are respectively horizontally convexly disposed with a platform 231, and when the heat sink 20 is mounted and fixed, the two The platform 231 is located just above the bumps 111, 121 provided on the two seats 11, 12. A sliding slot 232 is defined in the longitudinal direction of each of the platforms 231. The sliding slot 232 extends through the upper and lower surfaces of the cover plate 23. A portion of the two sides of the cover plate 23 on both sides of the platform 231 extends downwardly and inwardly to form a hooking portion 233, and the heat sink 22 is corresponding to the upper portion of the opposite side of the cover plate 23 233 is formed with a horizontal slit 221, respectively. The cover plate 23 is respectively provided with a mounting hole 234 at a position near the four corners thereof, and the mounting holes 234 are used for a cooling fan (Fig. 096121739 Form No. A0101 Page 5 / 19 pages 0993293792-0 1334528 099 08 Fixed to the top of the cover 23 on the 17th of the month. A portion of the cover plate 23 is further provided with a circular through hole 235. The airflow generated by the heat radiating fan can flow through the through hole 235 to the air flow passage between the fins 22 to exchange heat with the heat sink 22. In order to increase the heat transfer efficiency, the U-shaped heat pipes 24 are disposed in the heat sink 22, and the ends thereof are in contact with the base 21 to quickly transfer the heat absorbed by the base 21 to the heat sinks 22 » [0013] Referring to FIG. 2 simultaneously, the heat sink clip 30 includes a fastener 31, an operating element 32, and a pivoting member 33 for splicing the fastener 31 and the operating member 32. The pivoting member 33 is a cylindrical dragging member. The fastener member 31 is a plate-like body integrally formed by stamping a sheet metal body. The top end 311 of the fastener member 31 is provided with a circular pivot hole 312 through which the pivotable member 33 is disposed, and the bottom end 313 is provided with a fastening structure that is fastened to the fixing seat 1 ,, in this embodiment. The fastening structure is a set of holes 314. The fastener 31 is not limited to the shape shown in FIG. 2, and the fastener 31 may have other shapes, such as an inverted "Τ"-shaped plate-shaped body, and the bottom end of the plate-shaped body may also be provided with multiple The sleeve hole, correspondingly, the plurality of protrusions may be correspondingly arranged on the two bases 12 and 12 of the fixed seat. [0014] 096121739 The operating element 32 is stamped and formed into a sheet-like metal plate body, which comprises a crimping portion 321 and is connected to the pressing portion 321 = grip portion 322 » The pressing portion 321 is integrally crimped into an elliptical ring shape, and the flat upper plate portion 323 and the upper plate portion 323 are flat with respect to one of the upper plate portions 323, and the upper plate portion 323 and the lower plate portion 323 and 324 are connected to one side. The curved portion 325 of the -c" 35 and the other opposite the _ portion 325 are "324 connected - the other is free, the free end is folded back and abuts against the upper plate> form dock number ΑΟίοι 笫 6 pages / 19 pages 0993293792-0 1334528 On August 17, 099, the interface between the replacement page portion 323 and the grip portion 322 is replaced. The upper plate portion extends perpendicularly downwardly from the opposite outer trowels to form an ear portion. 327, each of the ear portions 327 is formed with a circular pivot hole 328 near the upper plate portion 323, that is, the pole contact hole 328 is eccentrically disposed with respect to the elliptical center of the pressing portion 321 . The size of the frame receiving hole 328 is equivalent to the size of the connecting hole 312 provided on the top end 3 of the fastener 31 to facilitate the insertion of the connecting member 33. The lower plate portion 323: 324 and the middle portions of the two curved portions 325, 326 are provided with an annular guide groove 329 extending in the longitudinal direction. The guide groove 329 penetrates the upper and lower plate portions 323, 324 and the two curved portions 325, 326 respectively. The grip portion 322 of the operating member 32 is formed to extend horizontally to the right from the upper plate portion 323 of the pressing portion 321, and the end portion of the miscellaneous portion (10) is slightly warped upward to facilitate the gripping operation. [0015 Please refer to FIG. 3 to FIG. 5 at the same time. Before installing @定散(四)2G, the hooking portions 233 provided on the two sides of the cover plate 23 are simultaneously slid into the longitudinal direction of the slot 221 to the sides of the heat dissipation #22. In the slot 221, the top end 311 of the fastener 31 of the heat sink clip 3 is passed up from the lower side of the cover 23 through the sliding slot 232' provided on both sides of the cover 23 while the heat sink clip 30 is The operating element 32 is disposed on the upper side of the cover plate 23, so that the top end 311 of the fastener member 31 is disposed in the guiding groove 329 provided on the abutting portion 321 of the operating member, and the pivot end of the fastener member 31 is provided. The through hole 312 is aligned with the pivot hole 328 provided on the pressing portion 321 of the operating member 32, and the fastener 31 and the operating member 32 are pivotally connected by the pivoting member 33. Both ends of the element 33 can be riveted or the like to prevent the splicing element 32 from slipping out of the pivot holes 328, 312. Next, the heat sink 20 is placed inside the two seats u, 12 of the fixed seat 1 In the recess 123, the pressing portion 321 of the operating member 32 is upper plate portion 096121739 Form No. A0101 Page 7 / 19 pages 0993293792-0 [0016] 1334528 323 is opposite to the upper surface of the cover plate 23, and the fastener 31 is The sleeve holes 314 provided at the bottom end 313 are respectively sleeved on the protrusions 121, 121 provided on the outer sides of the two seats 11, 12, and the sleeve hole 314 and the seat body u, 12 of the fastener 31 at this time. The bumps U1, 121 are in an unfastened state (as shown in FIG. 3). The grip portion 322 of the operating member 32 is pulled in a clockwise direction to rotate the pressing portion 321 of the operating member 32 about the pivoting member 33 when rotated to the upper surface of the plate portion 324 and the cover plate 23 under the pressing portion 321 When the contact is made, the axis of the pivoting member 33 is eccentrically disposed adjacent to the upper plate portion 323 of the pressing portion 321 . At this time, the axis of the pivoting member 33 is moved upward by a distance relative to the pulling operation. The distance is the distance difference between the axis of the pivoting member 33 and the upper and lower plate portions 324. The shaft of the pivoting member 33 is lifted up by the upper portion (4) to lift the fastener member 31 upwardly, so that the sleeve hole 314 of the fastener member 31 is fastened to the protrusion U1 and 121 provided on the outer side of the two seats u and 12. , that is, the buckle state shown by _. The pressing portion 321 of the operating member 32 can apply a downward pressing force to the cover plate 23 of the heat sink 2, so that the lower surface of the base 2 of the heat sink 2 is in close contact with the heat-generating electronic component 5〇. On the surface. [0017] When disassembling the heat sink 20 on August 17, 099, the operator only needs to pull the grip portion 322 of the operating member 32 in the opposite direction to the fixing of the ampoule, so that the pressing portion 321 of the operating member 32 Rotating around the axis of the pole member 33, when rotating to the pressing portion such as the upper plate portion 323 and the upper surface of the cover plate 23 of the heat sink 2G, the axis of the pivoting member 33 is opposite to the release direction Moving downward 1 (four), the fastener 31 of the heat sink clip 3G is moved downward by a corresponding distance. At this time, the sleeve hole 314 of the fastener 31 is loosened between the two sockets, the bosses on the 12, and the i2i. Pulling the bottom end 313 of the fastener 31 outward, so that the four pieces of the "sleeve hole 314 and: the projections of the 11, 121 are reduced, and thus the 096121739 form number A0101 page 8 / 19 pages 0993293792-0 1334528 [0018] Correction replacement page 1 of August 17, 099 Conveniently disassembling the heat sink 20 -----1 In the heat sink clip 30, since the operating element 32 is in the form of a sheet and has a curl The pressing portion 321 of the shape, when the fixing heat dissipation is mounted, the crimping portion 321 can provide a better elastic force, thereby making the heat sink 20 The heat-generating electronic component 50 is in close contact with each other, and the elastic pressing portion 321 has better impact resistance, so that the heat-dissipating lion and the heat-generating electronic component 50 can be in the (four) long-term (four) corrective contact effect to ensure both The heat transfer efficiency of the operating member 32 is provided with a lower portion of the shaft portion 4 away from the pivoting member 33, and the operating member can be operated when the heat sink clip 30 is in the buckled state. The portion of the pressing portion 321 of the 32 that abuts against the heat sink 20 maintains a stable state. [0019] In summary, the present invention complies with the invention patent, and the patent application is filed by the yak and the wheat scorpion method. The present invention is to be construed as being only the preferred embodiment of the present invention, and equivalent modifications and variations in the spirit of the present invention are intended to be included in the following claims. Figure 1 is an exploded perspective view of a heat sink assembly in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. [0021] Figure 2 is an exploded perspective view of one of the heat sink clips of the heat sink assembly of Figure 1. [0022] The heat sink shown in Figure 1 is combined [0023] FIG. 4 is a side view of the heat sink assembly shown in FIG. 1 after the heat sink clip is engaged. [0024] FIG. 5 is a heat sink assembly shown in FIG. 3D assembly drawing. Form editing 3t A0101 Page 9 of 19 0993293792-0 1334528 [Description of main component symbols] [0025] Mounting seat: 10 [0026] Seat: 11, 12 [0027] Bumps: 111, 121 [0028] Depression: 123 [0029] Radiator: 20 [0030] Base: 21 [0031] Heat sink: 22 [0032] Notch: 221 [0033] Cover: 23 [0034] Platform: 231 [0035] Chute: 232 [0036] Hook: 2 3 3 [0037] Mounting hole: 234 [0038] Through hole: 235 [0039] Heat pipe: 24 [0040] Radiator clip: 30 [0041] Fastener: 31 [0042] Top: 311 [0043] Pivot hole: 312, 328 Form No. A0101 096121739 Page 10 / Total 19 pages August 17, 2008 Shuttle replacement page 0993293792-0 1334528 [0044] Bottom: 313 [0045] Socket hole: 314 [0046] Operating element: 32 [0047] Pressing part: 321 [0048] Grip: 322 [0049] Upper plate section: 323 [0050] Lower plate section: 324 [0051] Shape: 325, 326 [0052] Ear: 327 [0053] Guide groove: 329 [0054] Pivot element: 33 [0055] Circuit board: 40 [0056] Electronic component: 50 096121739 Form number A0101 Page 11 / A total of 19 pages on August 17, 099, revised to replace the hundred 0993293792-0