Well, if you're reading this, then you probably want to know who I am. (Or maybe not, but that's okay, just click over to the links section.) The best way to find out is to email me at homepage@outflux.net .
I grew up in Chicago, went to a public highschool, and managed to get myself into the Engineering College at the University of Illinois. I majored in Computer Science there because I've been into computers since my dad brought home a Sinclair ZX80. To send me a secured document, please use my public key. Or perhaps you're interested in my professional life. I have other, stranger, histories, but you'll have to ask me. :) If you're interested in what I'm doing on a day-to-day basis, check out my codeblog where I blab endlessly to myself about the stuff I'm working with. I'd like to thank Inkscape and The Gimp for my graphics.