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A horizontal bar graph titled "Many elections are not truly democratic," illustrating the share of countries worldwide that possessed various democratic features in 2022. Each bar represents a different feature, with the text beside them indicating the percentage of countries that had each one:

- Universal right to vote: 97%
- Elected parliament and government: 85%
- Multi-party elections: 82%
- Competitive elections: 63%
- Free expression and association: 39%
- All of the above: 37% (noted in red).

The footer credits the data source as "Skaaning et al. (2023)" with a "CC BY" license.

More than 80% of countries vote, but less than 40% do so freely and fairly

People might associate democracy with having the right to vote. But meaningful democracy is much more than that.

In 2022, nearly every country granted its citizens the right to vote. 85% of them had an elected parliament and government. In 82%, elections were multi-party, meaning that people had more than one option on the ballot. You can see this in the chart.

But, fewer than two-thirds of these elections were genuinely competitive. In others, voters were systematically pressured or intimidated, the timing of elections was violated, or election fraud influenced the results.

Even more concerning, in only 39% of countries were people able to express their political opinions and associate freely.

As a result, just over one-third of countries recently held elections that met all of these democratic criteria and can be considered truly free and fair.

Find out which countries have all democratic criteria and which don't

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A bar chart displays the share of all births using assisted reproductive technology in various European countries for the year 2019. The countries are listed on the vertical axis, while the percentage of births is represented by horizontal bars extending to the right. 

Spain has the highest percentage at 8.9%, followed by Greece at 7.5% and Denmark at 6.3%. Other countries include Czechia at 6.2%, Estonia at 5.7%, and Iceland at 5.5%. 

The chart includes a note stating that the figures encompass all births in each country, possibly including cross-border treatment. The data source is the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (2023) and the chart is published by Our World in Data.

What share of births involve assisted reproductive technologies like IVF?

In 1978, Louise Brown became the first baby born through in vitro fertilization (IVF). In this technique, eggs are fertilized with sperm in a lab before the resulting embryos are transferred to the uterus.

Assisted reproductive technologies have advanced further and now become widely available.

These innovations have helped many people who might otherwise struggle to conceive — supporting individuals and couples facing infertility, allowing older parents to preserve fertility, and enabling same-sex couples to have children.

The chart shows the share of births in 2019 that involved assisted reproductive technologies across various European countries. This can include cross-border treatment.

Spain had the highest share, with nearly 9% of births resulting from assisted reproductive technology, followed by Greece, Denmark, and Czechia. In contrast, countries like Ireland, Lithuania, Serbia, and Turkey had much lower rates, with less than 2% of all births.

Explore more data on fertility rates and reproductive technology

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A bar chart titled "Divorce within the first decade of marriage is becoming less common in England and Wales" displays divorce rates for couples based on their marriage year. The x-axis represents the year of marriage, ranging from 1965 to 2012, while the y-axis indicates the percentage of those divorced by their 10-year anniversary. The bars show divorce rates after a decade over the years, with the highest rate of 25% for those married in 1990 and 1995 and the lowest at 10% for those married in 1965. The most recent data point is from 2012, showing 17.5% of couples divorced within a decade. A note highlights that fewer couples who have married since 2000 have divorced after a decade. The data source is the UK Office for National Statistics, dated 2024. The chart is licensed under CC BY.

Fewer marriages in England and Wales are ending in divorce within the first ten years

Since 2000, fewer couples in England and Wales have divorced within the first ten years of marriage, reversing the trend of the late 20th century.

The chart shows the percentage of marriages ending in divorce within a decade, based on the year of marriage. For those married in 1965, one in ten divorced within ten years.

By 1975, this had nearly doubled to 18% as legal reforms made separation easier and less stigmatized. Divorce rates peaked for couples married in 1995, with one in four divorcing by their tenth anniversary.

But, as you can see, this trend has started to reverse. Of the couples that married in 2012, only 17% had divorced by 2022. That’s well below the peak in the 1990s.

Explore our data on marriages and divorces in other countries

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This chart compares the urbanization rates of Bangladesh and its neighboring countries (India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Sri Lanka) from 1972 to 2022. The y-axis represents the percentage of the population living in urban areas, ranging from 0% to 40%. Bangladesh shows the steepest increase, rising from 8% in 1972 to 40% in 2022, surpassing its neighbors. Other countries display slower and steadier growth.

Bangladesh has been urbanizing much faster than its neighbors

The biggest migration story of the past few centuries has not been from country to country but from rural areas to cities.

In 1960, one-third of the world’s population lived in urban areas. This share is now closing in on 60%. By contrast, less than 4% of the global population are international migrants.

But some countries are urbanizing much more quickly than others. Bangladesh is one example of a country that has experienced much faster internal migration than its South Asian neighbors. You can see this on the chart.

In 1972, just 8% of people in Bangladesh lived in towns and cities. This share has more than quadrupled to 40%.

Explore more data on the global movement of populations from rural areas to cities →

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A horizontal bar chart titled "Europeans are pessimistic on housing" shows the survey responses from people in various European countries to the question: "In general, do you think that your country is on the right track or the wrong track when it comes to housing?".

Each bar represents the percentage of responses categorized as: "Wrong Track", "Don't Know", and "Right Track" . 

Countries listed from top to bottom include: Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, Germany, Turkey, Great Britain, France, Ireland, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, and Poland. The chart reveals a dominant trend of pessimism, with many countries showing a higher percentage in the "Wrong Track" category. 

The data source is Ipsos (2025)

Many Europeans say their nations are on the wrong track with housing

The Ipsos Housing Monitor 2025 surveyed people across 30 countries, asking: “In general, do you think that your country is on the right track or the wrong track when it comes to housing?”.

The chart shows results for European countries, where housing prices dipped after the 2008 global financial crisis, before starting to rise again around 2013, with particularly large increases since 2015.

The Netherlands and Spain stand out, with nearly 80% believing their country is on the wrong track.

People in Poland and Sweden are less concerned than in other countries. But even in these nations, the majority feels like their country is on the wrong track.

Explore more data on optimism and pessimism about the future

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This chart shows the share of women who have had no births by the end of their childbearing years in four countries: the United States, Sweden, Japan, and Spain. 

Each country's data is represented on separate graphs, plotted against the years from 1918 to 1972 along the horizontal axis, labeled as "Women's birth year." The vertical axis indicates the percentage of women who have had no births, ranging from 0% to 30%. 

In the United States graph, the percentage starts around 15% in 1918, dips slightly mid-century, and then rises again to near 20% by the early 1970s. 

The Sweden graph shows a relatively stable line around 10–15% throughout the years, with no significant fluctuations.

Japan's graph trends upward, reaching around 25% by the end of the timeline.

In Spain, the share steadily increases, culminating in over 20% by 1972, indicating a growing trend in women having no births.

The data source is cited as the "Human Fertility Database (2024)." The chart is published by Our World in Data.

What share of women reach the end of their childbearing years without having children?

This chart focuses on the share of women who had no births by the end of their childbearing years. The horizontal axis shows the woman’s birth year.

Around 18% of those born in the 1910s in the United States had no children. For the following generations who grew up during the “baby boom”, the share with no children dropped to 5%. Since then, this figure has risen and fallen again.

In Sweden, the share of women without any children has remained relatively stable at around 12% for women born between the 1950s and 1970s.

The trend in Japan and Spain has been different: the share of women with no children has grown steeply over recent generations. In Spain, the figure nearly doubled in a decade: from 10% for women born in 1960 to almost 20% for those born in 1970. In Japan, it almost tripled in twenty years.

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The bar chart illustrates changes in household composition in the United States from 1960 to 2015. The chart consists of three horizontal bars, each representing a different year: 1960, 1990, and 2015. 

In 1960, the largest segment is "Couple with children," which accounts for 43%. Other segments include: "Single parent with children" at 5%, "Couple" at 22%, "Extended family" at 12%, "Non-relatives" at 4%, and "One person" at 13%.

By 1990, the "Couple with children" category has decreased to 30%. The breakdown is: "Single parent with children" at 8%, "Couple" at 24%, "Extended family" at 8%, "Non-relatives" at 5%, and "One person" at 25%.

In 2015, "Couple with children" drops further to 24%, with the segments now being: "Single parent with children" at 9%, "Couple" at 25%, "Extended family" at 9%, "Non-relatives" at 5%, and "One person" increasing to 28%.

Data sources for the chart are cited as United Nations, 2022.

Solo living has become the most common arrangement for households in the United States

Households in the United States have changed significantly over the last 60 years. In 1960, 43% of households were couples with children, but this had dropped to 24% by 2015.

Once a minority, single individuals living alone are now the most common composition, making up 28% of households in 2015.

Several factors may explain this shift. Since 2000, most population growth has occurred among those over 60, who are more likely to live alone after widowhood or once children leave home. Declining birth rates have further reduced the share of households with children.

At the same time, rising incomes among women, in particular, have made independent living more accessible, likely contributing to the increase in single-person households alongside the trend of marrying later or not at all.

Explore how household types compare across different countries

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What share of children die before their fifth birthday?

What could be more tragic than the death of a young child? Child mortality, the death of children under the age of five, is still extremely common in our world today.

The historical data makes clear that it doesn’t have to be this way: it is possible for societies to protect their children and reduce child mortality to very low rates. For child mortality to reach low levels, many things have to go right at the same time: good healthcare, good nutrition, clean water and sanitation, maternal health, and high living standards. We can, therefore, think of child mortality as a proxy indicator of a country’s living conditions.

The chart shows our long-run data on child mortality, which allows you to see how child mortality has changed in countries around the world.

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Share of population living in extreme povertyWorld Bank

Life expectancy at birthLong-run estimates collated from multiple sources by Our World in Data

Per capita CO₂ emissionsLong-run estimates from the Global Carbon Budget

GDP per capitaLong-run estimates from the Maddison Project Database

Share of people that are undernourishedFAO

Literacy rateLong-run estimates collated from multiple sources by Our World in Data

Share of the population with access to electricityWorld Bank

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