Otorlymern Archives
A collection of helpful junk dredged up from the deepest corners of the internet, only created by me when specified. A collection of information that seemed entirely too difficult for me to find...
- Experimental music
- Tape machines
- Crummy sounding old digital reverbs
- Obsolete FX processors
- Synthesizers—from romplers to Eurorack to cheap Behringer stuff
- Video tapes & 16mm film
- Found footage & analog feedback
- CRTs, Camcorders
- Obsolete & confusing video formats
- Junk fiction from Burroughs' Junky to The Basketball Diaries
- Books for people who hate reading
- Absurdist first-person narratives
- Building synthesizer modules
- Video manipulation & glitch devices
- Schematics that make you realize you should’ve just bought the thing