# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a367903 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A367903 #20 Jul 30 2024 14:41:26 %S A367903 0,0,1,67,30997,2147296425,9223372036784737528, %T A367903 170141183460469231731687303625772608225, %U A367903 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728791606173188627779 %N A367903 Number of sets of nonempty subsets of {1..n} contradicting a strict version of the axiom of choice. %C A367903 The axiom of choice says that, given any set of nonempty sets Y, it is possible to choose a set containing an element from each. The strict version requires this set to have the same cardinality as Y, meaning no element is chosen more than once. %H A367903 Wikipedia, Axiom of choice. %F A367903 a(n) + A367904(n) + A367772(n) = A058891(n+1) = 2^(2^n-1). %e A367903 The a(2) = 1 set-system is {{1},{2},{1,2}}. %e A367903 The a(3) = 67 set-systems have following 21 non-isomorphic representatives: %e A367903 {{1},{2},{1,2}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{3},{1,2}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{3},{1,2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{1,2},{1,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{1,2},{1,2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{1,3},{2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{1,3},{1,2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{1,2},{1,3},{1,2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{1,2},{2,3},{1,2,3}} %e A367903 {{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{1,2},{1,3},{1,2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,3},{1,2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3}} %e A367903 {{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3}} %t A367903 Table[Length[Select[Subsets[Rest[Subsets[Range[n]]]], Select[Tuples[#],UnsameQ@@#&]=={}&]],{n,0,3}] %Y A367903 Multisets of multisets of this type are ranked by A355529. %Y A367903 The version without singletons is A367769. %Y A367903 The version for simple graphs is A367867, covering A367868. %Y A367903 The version allowing empty edges is A367901. %Y A367903 The complement is A367902, without singletons A367770, ranks A367906. %Y A367903 For a unique choice (instead of none) we have A367904, ranks A367908. %Y A367903 These set-systems have ranks A367907. %Y A367903 An unlabeled version is A368094, for multiset partitions A368097. %Y A367903 A000372 counts antichains, covering A006126, nonempty A014466. %Y A367903 A003465 counts covering set-systems, unlabeled A055621. %Y A367903 A058891 counts set-systems, unlabeled A000612. %Y A367903 A059201 counts covering T_0 set-systems. %Y A367903 A323818 counts covering connected set-systems. %Y A367903 A326031 gives weight of the set-system with BII-number n. %Y A367903 Cf. A007716, A083323, A092918, A102896, A283877, A306445, A355739, A355740, A367862, A367905, A368409, A368413. %K A367903 nonn,more %O A367903 0,4 %A A367903 _Gus Wiseman_, Dec 05 2023 %E A367903 a(5)-a(8) from _Christian Sievers_, Jul 26 2024 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE