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%I A036109 #9 Jun 18 2022 13:26:48
%S A036109 2,1,1211,1241,142251,15243241,2534134241,2554334241,3564434231,
%T A036109 163564533221,363544633231,463534833231,183625441032221,
%U A036109 2826254473524110,281726355433825120,382726554443824120,482726555453823120,482726656443822120,482746555433922120
%N A036109 A summarize Fibonacci sequence: summarize the previous two terms!.
%C A036109 From the 25th term the sequence gets into a cycle of 117.
%H A036109 Alois P. Heinz, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..1000
%H A036109 Index to sequences related to say what you see
%p A036109 a:= proc(n) option remember; `if`(n<2, 2-n, (p-> parse(cat(seq((c->
%p A036109 `if`(c=0, [][], [c, 9-i][]))(coeff(p, x, 9-i)), i=0..9))))(
%p A036109 add(x^i, i=map(x-> convert(x, base, 10)[], [a(n-1),a(n-2)]))))
%p A036109 end:
%p A036109 seq(a(n), n=0..20); # _Alois P. Heinz_, Jun 18 2022
%Y A036109 Cf. A036059.
%K A036109 base,easy,nonn
%O A036109 0,1
%A A036109 _Floor van Lamoen_
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