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%I A019382 #17 May 24 2020 15:50:25
%S A019382 5,13,17,41,47,53,73,83,89,97,107,109,113,127,137,139,149,173,179,181,
%T A019382 191,193,197,227,263,271,277,311,347,359,367,397,419,433,479,499,503,
%U A019382 509,547,557,569,577,587,599,601,613,617,643,683,701,727,743,769,809,821,823
%N A019382 Primes with primitive root 58.
%H A019382 Vincenzo Librandi, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000
%H A019382 Index entries for primes by primitive root
%t A019382 pr=58; Select[Prime[Range[200]], MultiplicativeOrder[pr, # ] == #-1 &]
%t A019382 Join[{5,13,17,41,47,53},Select[Prime[Range[150]],PrimitiveRoot[#,58]==58&]] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, May 24 2020 *)
%K A019382 nonn
%O A019382 1,1
%A A019382 _David W. Wilson_
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