Displaying 1-5 of 5 results found.
Indices of pentagonal numbers > 0 which are not the difference of two larger pentagonal numbers.
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 18, 23, 24, 27, 51, 54, 71, 72, 81, 96, 99, 123, 128, 135, 162, 216, 239, 243, 263, 288, 303, 311, 359, 384, 423, 459, 479, 486, 519, 591, 599, 639, 648, 683, 699, 729, 743, 783, 863, 864, 879, 891, 911, 1031, 1103, 1151, 1215, 1431
a(1..3)=1,2,3 since P(1),P(2),P(3) cannot be written as difference of 2 other pentagonal numbers.
P(4)=22=P(8)-P(7), therefore 4 is not in this sequence.
(PARI) P(n)=n*(3*n-1)>>1
for( i=1, 999, for( j=i+1, (P(i)-1)\3, isPent(P(i)+P(j))&next(2)); print1(i", "))
Definition corrected, thanks to a remark from R. J. Mathar, Feb 01 2008
Pentagonal numbers > 0 which are not the difference of two larger pentagonal numbers.
1, 5, 12, 35, 51, 92, 117, 176, 330, 477, 782, 852, 1080, 3876, 4347, 7526, 7740, 9801, 13776, 14652, 22632, 24512, 27270, 39285, 69876, 85562, 88452, 103622, 124272, 137562, 144926, 193142, 220992, 268182, 315792, 343922, 354051, 403782, 523626
a(1..3)=P(1),P(2),P(3) since these cannot be written as difference of 2 other pentagonal numbers > 0.
P(4)=22=P(8)-P(7), therefore P(4) is not in this sequence.
(PARI) P(n)=n*(3*n-1)>>1 /* a.k.a. A000326 */
for( i=1, 999, for( j=i+1, (P(i)-1)\3, isPent(P(i)+P(j))&next(2)); print1(P(i)", "))
Pentagonal numbers ( A000326) which are the sum of 2 other positive pentagonal numbers.
70, 92, 852, 925, 1247, 1426, 1926, 2625, 3577, 5192, 6305, 6501, 7107, 7740, 7957, 8177, 8626, 9560, 10292, 12927, 13207, 14652, 15555, 16172, 18095, 20475, 20827, 21901, 22265, 22632, 23002, 23751, 24130, 28497, 29330, 31032, 33227, 33675
It is conjectured that every integer and hence every pentagonal number, greater than 33066, hence greater than A000326(149) = 33227, can be represented as the sum of three pentagonal numbers. - Jonathan Vos Post, Dec 18 2007
a(1)=70=P(7) is the least pentagonal number which can be written as sum of two other pentagonal numbers, P(7)=P(5)+P(5).
(PARI) P(n)=n*(3*n-1)>>1 /* a.k.a. A000326 */
for(i=1, 299, for(j=1, (i+1)\sqrt(2), isPent(P(i)-P(j)) && print1(P(i)", ") || next(2)))
/* The following is much faster, at the cost of implementing sum2sqr(), cf. A133388*/
A136117next(i)=i=sqrtint(i\3*2)*6+5; until(0, for(j=2, #t=sum2sqr((i+=6)^2+1), t[j]%6==[5, 5] && break(2))); i^2\24
A136117vect(n, i)=vector(n, j, i=A136117next(i)) /* 2nd arg =0 by default but allows one to start elsewhere */
Least pentagonal number P(m) > P(n) such that P(m)+P(n) is again a pentagonal number, 0 if no such m exists.
0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 0, 782, 0, 0, 3432, 0, 715, 10045, 3290, 0, 23375, 1001, 0, 715, 2035, 7526, 84847, 0, 0, 1001, 41251, 0, 4030, 64170, 32340, 20475, 14652, 11310, 490490, 7740, 6700, 5922, 190995, 4845, 18095, 259376, 3876, 1260875, 10045, 3290
a(1..3)=0 since P(1),P(2),P(3) cannot be written as difference of 2 other pentagonal numbers > 0.
a(4)=70=P(7) is the least pentagonal number > P(4)=22 such that their sum is again a pentagonal number, P(8).
(PARI) P(n)=n*(3*n-1)>>1 /* a.k.a. A000326 */ /* newline */ isPent(t)=P(sqrtint(t<<1\3)+1)==t /* newline */ for( i=1, 99, for( j=i+1, (P(i)-1)\3, isPent(P(i)+P(j))&print1(P(j)", ")|next(2)); print1(0", "))
Indices of pentagonal numbers ( A000326) which are the sum of 2 other positive pentagonal numbers.
7, 8, 24, 25, 29, 31, 36, 42, 49, 59, 65, 66, 69, 72, 73, 74, 76, 80, 83, 93, 94, 99, 102, 104, 110, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 138, 140, 144, 149, 150, 152, 161, 163, 168, 169, 174, 175, 178, 181, 185, 188, 190, 195, 199, 203, 209, 210, 212, 213
a(1)=7 since P(7)=70 is the least pentagonal number which can be written as sum of two other pentagonal numbers, P(7)=P(5)+P(5).
(PARI) P(n)=n*(3*n-1)>>1 /* a.k.a. A000326 */
for(i=1, 999, for(j=1, (i+1)\sqrt(2), isPent(P(i)-P(j))&print1(i", ") || next(2)))
/* The following are much faster, at the cost of implementing sum2sqr(), cf. A133388. */
A136116next(i)=i=6*i-1; until(0, for(j=2, #t=sum2sqr((i+=6)^2+1), t[j]%6==[5, 5] && break(2))); i\6+1
A136116vect(n, i=0)=vector(n, j, i=A136116next(i))
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