%I #13 Mar 06 2021 02:07:00
%S 2,9,4,3,5,8,6,3,2,2,7,3,8,5,3,5,4,0,0,7,6,0,0,6,2,8,4,6,4,9,3,1,6,3,
%T 4,8,8,7,5,0,1,4,0,2,3,8,0,9,6,3,9,6,3,2,6,6,3,3,6,1,5,1,4,2,9,0,8,0,
%U 9,7,5,0,3,7,1,5,0,6,3,6,6,6,5,7,8,6
%N Decimal expansion of the area bounded by x = 1, y = sin(1/x), and y = tan(1/x).
%H Clark Kimberling, <a href="/A248968/b248968.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..300</a>
%F Let u,v,w be the constants at A248965, A248967, and A248968, respectively. Then w = u + v.
%e area = 0.294358632273853540076006284649...
%p evalf(int(tan(1/x)-sin(1/x), x = 1..infinity), 120); # _Vaclav Kotesovec_, Oct 20 2014
%t v = Integrate[Tan[1/x] - Sin[1/x], {x, 1, Infinity}]
%t N[v, 100]
%t s = RealDigits[N[v, 200]][[1]] (* A248968 *)
%t Plot[{Tan[1/x], Sin[1/x]}, {x, 1, Pi}]
%Y Cf. A248965, A248966, A248967.
%K nonn,easy,cons
%O 0,1
%A _Clark Kimberling_, Oct 18 2014