%I #7 Oct 06 2015 22:07:48
%S 563,13169,469254,32555965,2610816897,211915469907,16635894447271,
%T 1270931982853879,94993985142144635,6981985010723242050,
%U 506415863251104840544,36341705193868254651896,2585229289237578869949797
%N 1/16 the number of (n+1) X 4 0..7 arrays with every 2 X 2 subblock strictly increasing clockwise or counterclockwise with one decrease, and at least two adjacent blocks having the same increasing direction.
%C Column 3 of A183738.
%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A183732/b183732.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..200</a>
%e Some solutions with the first block increasing clockwise for 3 X 4:
%e ..3..6..4..3....4..5..4..3....5..1..7..6....2..4..6..4....5..1..0..7
%e ..1..0..1..2....0..7..0..1....3..2..3..4....1..0..7..0....4..3..4..5
%e ..5..7..6..3....5..6..4..3....6..1..7..5....4..5..6..4....5..2..0..7
%e ...
%e ...R..L..L.......R..L..L.......R..L..L.......R..R..L.......R..L..L...
%e ...L..R..R.......L..R..R.......L..R..R.......L..L..R.......L..R..R...
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _R. H. Hardin_, Jan 06 2011