%I #4 Nov 24 2019 10:29:51
%S 2,5,9,10,12,17,17,24,26,28,31,33,36,37,43,44,50,52,57,63,65,65,68,72,
%T 73,76,80,82,89,89,91,100,101,108,108,113,122,126,127,128,129,129,134,
%U 141,145,145,148,150,152,161,164,170,171,174,177,185,189,196,197,204
%N Numbers that are the sum of 2 (not-distinct) numbers; nonzero square and cube, including repetitions.
%C 5=2^2+1^3, 12=2^2+2^3, 17=3^2+2^3, 31=2^2+3^3, 43=4^2+3^3, 65=1^2+4^3, 65=8^2+1^3, 100=6^2+4^3, ...
%t lst={};Do[Do[Do[a=x^2+y^3;If[a>n,Break[]];If[a==n,AppendTo[lst,n]],{y,5!}],{x,5!}],{n,4*5!}];lst
%Y Cf. A088719, A088677, A088703, A088687, A001235, A024670, A025320, A025319, A025318, A025317, A025316, A025315, A025314, A025313, A024508, A004431, A024507, A155468
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Vladimir Joseph Stephan Orlovsky_, Jan 23 2009