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User:Johannes W. Meijer
From OeisWiki
M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering of the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Address: Calama 285, P.O. Box 2219, Cochabamba, Bolivia. e-mail: meijgia(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
Ten interesting sequences:
- A160464 The Eta triangle
- A160479 The ZL(n) sequence of the Zeta and Lambda triangles
- A163931 The higher order exponential integrals E(x,m,n)
- A163973 Van der Pauw’s constant
- A167546 The ED1 array
- A178867 Triangle of multinomial coefficients (version 3)
- A180140 Eight rooks and one berserker on a 3x3 chessboard
- A180662 The Golden Triangle
- A274760 The multinomial transform
- A305402 An optical diffraction sequence
Ten nice additions to existing sequences:
- A000796 Decimal expansion of Pi ('Pi everywhere' poster).
- A002195 Numerators of coefficients for numerical integration.
- A008288 Square array of Delannoy numbers
- A008955 Triangle of central factorial numbers |t(2n,2n-2k)|
- A008956 Triangle of central factorial numbers |4^k*t(2n+1,2n+1-2k)|
- A026794 Number of partitions of n in which least part is k.
- A028246 Worpitzky's triangle
- A047999 Sierpinski's triangle
- A053657 The Minkowski numbers
- A175840 Nicomachus' table (mirror)