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Glyphic’s AI-based assistant supports sales associates in every customer interaction and helps sales leaders make the right decisions thanks to unparalleled visibility into the whole sales pipeline.

As former researchers and operators at top AI research labs and companies, the team at Glyphic was acutely aware of recent transformational changes in the world of deep learning, and they were poised for its next phase of growth.

Glyphic is on a mission to build an AI copilot that assists sales teams in analyzing customer interactions and providing strategic insights into sales pipelines.

Baseline Evaluation

The team at Glyph­ic iden­ti­fied their attrib­ut­es as Intu­itive, Rad­i­cal, and Play­ful. Antic­i­pat­ing respons­es like an actu­al per­son­al assis­tant, their AI has the pow­er to rev­o­lu­tion­ize the entire sales space. The Glyph­ic brand need­ed to be spir­it­ed and live­ly — they’re chang­ing an indus­try and that’s some­thing to be excit­ed about!

After a thought­ful eval­u­a­tion of Glyphic’s past, present, and — most impor­tant­ly — future, we iden­ti­fied some oppor­tu­ni­ties for dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion in their visu­al iden­ti­ty. The sales and AI space is rife with col­or­ful palettes, gener­ic sans-ser­ifs, and round­ed abstract shapes. Paired with their brand attrib­ut­es, we worked with Glyph­ic to devel­op their own visu­al iden­ti­ty to estab­lish their point of view ear­ly in the company’s history.

We iden­ti­fied their Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing (aka SMIT) as pro­gres­sive and proven.”

Glyphic SMIT
Glyphic Attributes


The mark was designed with the idea of a hub” in mind. Sim­i­lar to how rail round­hous­es are the core for a rail net­work, we see Glyph­ic as the axis for enter­prise under­stand­ing. This mark also plays heav­i­ly into the hiero­glyph­ic con­cept that the prod­uct name sug­gests. We call it The Focal Point.

Glyphic markexplo
Glyphic focalline
The logotype is a custom wordmark created to align with the softness and roundness of the mark. Its single weight and smooth paths create a sense of approachability and intuitiveness that we replicated further in the brand.
Glyphic logomark2
Glyphic logomark detail
Glyphic opener

Visual Language

With the dis­per­sion of data in mind, the col­or palette looks to fill the Glyph­ic land­scape with val­ue. But not over-sat­u­ra­tion. The col­ors feel bright, bold, and friend­ly, all while hav­ing a seri­ous undertone.

Gilroy is the pri­ma­ry type­face, designed for robust, high-impact use. As the sec­ondary type­face, Deg­u­lar has all the mak­ings of a work­horse font fam­i­ly while still pro­vid­ing the kind of quirks that bring own­abil­i­ty in a brand typeface.

The Focal Point visu­al lan­guage ele­ment fur­ther comes to life when the indi­vid­ual spokes of the logo­mark are extend­ed off the bounds of the composition. 

Glyphic typestack
Glyphic markdiagram
Glyphic markexpanded
Glyphic Refinements Color
Glyphic gradient
Glyphic gridpattern
Glyphic2 sitemock
Glyphic pathways
Glyphic focalblue
Glyphic2 billboard
Glyphic slides
Glyphic2 bizcard
Glyphic social
Glyphic site
Glyphic banners
Your process, how structured and intentional it was, really allowed us to focus on the project as well as manage the million other things we have going on as a start up.
Adam Liska, Co-Founder + CEO
Glyphic2 computer

Post-Project Impact

We’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached.