Esolang 深奥编程语言 ¶
约 274 个字 106 行代码 1 张图片 预计阅读时间 2 分钟
An esoteric programming language, or esolang, is a computer programming language designed to experiment with weird ideas, to be hard to program in, or as a joke, rather than for practical use.
———— esolang wiki
此处整理了一些特殊的编程语言或者正常编程语言的特殊使用方法,多见于 Misc 题中,但是此页面也仅是介绍一些常见的 Esolang 和已经遇到过的 Esolang,题目中遇到还是要随机应变,善用搜索
极小语言 ¶
极小语言指的是指令数很少的一种 Esolang
特征:包含 ><+-.,[]
指令 | 含义 |
> | 指针加一(右移一位) |
< | 指针减一(左移一位) |
+ | 指针指向的单元的值加一 |
- | 指针指向的单元的值减一 |
. | 输出指针指向的单元内容(ASCII 码) |
, | 输入内容到指针指向的单元(ASCII 码) |
[ | 如果指针指向的单元值为零,向后跳转到对应的 ] 指令的次一指令处 |
] | 如果指针指向的单元值不为零,向前跳转到对应的 [ 指令的次一指令处 |
其它 | 直接忽略 |
e.g. ++++++++ [>++++++++++++>+++++++++++++<<-] >++++. -. >+++++++. <+. +.
BrainFuck 解释器
import sys
def Brainfuck(code):
code = ''.join(filter(lambda x: x in ['.', ',', '[', ']', '<', '>', '+', '-'], code))
bracemap = buildbracemap(code)
cells, codeptr, cellptr = [0], 0, 0
result = ''
while codeptr < len(code):
command = code[codeptr]
if command == ">":
cellptr += 1
if cellptr == len(cells): cells.append(0)
elif command == "<": cellptr = 0 if cellptr <= 0 else cellptr - 1
elif command == "+": cells[cellptr] = cells[cellptr] + 1 if cells[cellptr] < 255 else 0
elif command == "-": cells[cellptr] = cells[cellptr] - 1 if cells[cellptr] > 0 else 255
elif command == "[" and cells[cellptr] == 0: codeptr = bracemap[codeptr]
elif command == "]" and cells[cellptr] != 0: codeptr = bracemap[codeptr]
elif command == ".": result += chr(cells[cellptr])
elif command == ",": cells[cellptr] = ord(input("[*] input one char > "))
codeptr += 1
print(f"[+] Result: {result}")
def buildbracemap(code):
temp_bracestack, bracemap = [], {}
for position, command in enumerate(code):
if command == "[": temp_bracestack.append(position)
if command == "]":
start = temp_bracestack.pop()
bracemap[start] = position
bracemap[position] = start
return bracemap
if __name__ == "__main__":
code = input("[*] Input brainfuck code > ")
- 可视化执行:
- Brainfuck Language - Online Decoder, Translator, Interpreter (
- Marcos Minond
另有众多变种,如 Ook!,Brainfuck+3,*brainfuck 等
要比较注意的一点是,有的 brainfuck 代码会向左越界,这种情况下要把解释器的初始位置往后移一下(比如下面的代码中预先扩充 cells
,然后令起始的 cellptr
大于 0)
特征:全是 Ook
Ook! Programming Language - Esoteric Code Decoder, Encoder, Translator (
图形化语言 ¶
图形化语言是用一些像素图构建极小语言的 Esolang,最为著名的是 Piet
特征:像素图,且只有 20 种颜色:
#FF0000 #FFFF00 #00FF00 #00FFFF #0000FF #FF00FF
#C00000 #C0C000 #00C000 #00C0C0 #0000C0 #C000C0
#FFFFFF #000000
仅由 00、C0、FF
DM's Esoteric Programming Languages - Piet (
DM's Esoteric Programming Languages - Piet Samples (
另还有一些些变种,如 Piet-Q
特征:像素图,且只有 10 种颜色,其中 8 种对应 BF 的 8 个指令,2 种对应指针旋转指令,且仅由 00、80、FF
颜色 | hex 值 | rgb 值 | 含义 |
红 | #FF0000 | (255, 0, 0) | > |
深红 | #800000 | (128, 0, 0) | < |
绿 | #00FF00 | (0, 255, 0) | + |
深绿 | #008000 | (0, 128, 0) | - |
蓝 | #0000FF | (0, 0, 255) | . |
深蓝 | #000080 | (0, 0, 128) | , |
黄 | #FFFF00 | (255, 255, 0) | [ |
深黄 | #808000 | (128, 128, 0) | ] |
青 | #00FFFF | (0, 255, 255) | IP 顺时针 90° |
深青 | #008080 | (0, 128, 128) | IP 逆时针 90° |
例题:第四届”安洵杯”网络安全挑战赛 CyzCC_loves_LOL
Brainloller 解释器
from PIL import Image
import sys
def Brainloller(filename):
source ="RGB")
width, height = source.size
result = ''
ptr = (0, 0)
direction = 0
while True:
if ptr[0] >= height or ptr[0] < 0 or ptr[1] >= width or ptr[1] < 0:
color = source.getpixel((ptr[1], ptr[0]))
if color == (255, 0, 0): result += '>'
elif color == (128, 0, 0): result += '<'
elif color == ( 0, 255, 0): result += '+'
elif color == ( 0, 128, 0): result += '-'
elif color == ( 0, 0, 255): result += '.'
elif color == ( 0, 0, 128): result += ','
elif color == (255, 255, 0): result += '['
elif color == (128, 128, 0): result += ']'
elif color == ( 0, 255, 255): direction = (direction + 1) % 4
elif color == ( 0, 128, 128): direction = (direction - 1) % 4
else: print(f"[-] Unknown color: {color}")
if direction == 0: ptr = ptr[0], ptr[1] + 1
elif direction == 1: ptr = ptr[0] + 1, ptr[1]
elif direction == 2: ptr = ptr[0], ptr[1] - 1
elif direction == 3: ptr = ptr[0] - 1, ptr[1]
print(f"[+] BrainFuck Code: {result}")
return result
def Brainfuck(code):
code = ''.join(filter(lambda x: x in ['.', ',', '[', ']', '<', '>', '+', '-'], code))
bracemap = buildbracemap(code)
cells, codeptr, cellptr = [0], 0, 0
result = ''
while codeptr < len(code):
command = code[codeptr]
if command == ">":
cellptr += 1
if cellptr == len(cells): cells.append(0)
elif command == "<": cellptr = 0 if cellptr <= 0 else cellptr - 1
elif command == "+": cells[cellptr] = cells[cellptr] + 1 if cells[cellptr] < 255 else 0
elif command == "-": cells[cellptr] = cells[cellptr] - 1 if cells[cellptr] > 0 else 255
elif command == "[" and cells[cellptr] == 0: codeptr = bracemap[codeptr]
elif command == "]" and cells[cellptr] != 0: codeptr = bracemap[codeptr]
elif command == ".": result += chr(cells[cellptr])
elif command == ",": cells[cellptr] = ord(input("[*] input one char > "))
codeptr += 1
print(f"[+] Result: {result}")
def buildbracemap(code):
temp_bracestack, bracemap = [], {}
for position, command in enumerate(code):
if command == "[": temp_bracestack.append(position)
if command == "]":
start = temp_bracestack.pop()
bracemap[start] = position
bracemap[position] = start
return bracemap
if __name__ == "__main__":
特殊关键字语言 ¶
例题:第四届”安洵杯”网络安全挑战赛 CyzCC_loves_LOL
LOLCODE Language - Compiler - Online Decoder, Encoder, Translator
创建日期: 2022年1月10日 16:56:12