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An Increasingly Fragile Empire
Our creaky, late-stage American empire is looking fragile. Texas is talking secession. Wyoming is paying close attention.
Everything looks brittle. Perhaps things will break. William S. Lind has been telling everyone who will listen that a legitimacy crisis is looming.
One would hope our ruling elites were prudent enough to lower tensions right about now. Perhaps Nancy Pelosi and “the enemy within” could retire to a secret chandeliered hideaway for a pleasant game of whist.
When Trump Supporters Become 'Terrorists'
Published January 21, 2022.
Jan. 21 (UPI) — The White House announced today that the national purge of Trump supporters, the largest deprogramming effort in history, is nearing completion.
“This is our time to come together as one country,” a visibly moved President Harris said to cheering troops ordered to gather below the White House’s Truman Balcony. “We are nearing victory in this uncivil war that pitted red against blue.
Awomen to That
We interrupt your celebration of the impeachwoment of President Trump for incitewoment of violence and appeasewoment of gun owners and other domestic terrorists to bring you an important message about language.
We must make awomends for centuries of sexist language. The abolishwoment of hateful, discriminatory, and white supremacist terms like “male” and “men” must be our top priority. This requires adjustwoment and constant improvewoment.
For instance, those of us with front holes do not “menstruate.
The Purge of the Deplorables
There is talk of civil war. This seems unlikely to happen.
Civil wars are fought between elites at odds with one another. Our own southern elites' attempt to separate from the northern elites is one example. The king of England raising an army to fight Parliament in the 1640s is another. Angola’s civil war was two anti-colonial revolutionary movements fighting after independence.
Today there are no elites publicly on the side of the deplorables.
Peace and Healing Through Gun Bans
It is surprising to see that so many anti-gun bills already have been introduced in the first few days of the new U.S. Congress.
After all, we know that President-Elect Biden has called for a time of unity and healing after his clear victory in the November election. As the Associated Press reported today: “The theme for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration will be ‘America United,’ an issue that’s long been a central focus for Biden.
The New Domestic Terrorists
Our rulers did not enjoy being driven out of the U.S. Capitol. They will seek revenge.
Politicians scampered away through underground passages like frightened bunny rabbits on Wednesday. One report says they “sprinted down to the basement and through the subway tunnels.” Photos show our ruling elites cowering and playing dead. This is the behavior of prey animals. Rabbits may freeze in the presence of a threat.
Have A Merry Unchristmas
MEMO To: Elementary and Secondary School Educators From: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Anti-Racist Enforcement Bureau Date: December 24, 2021 Subject: Anti-Racist Responses to “Holiday” on December 25 We hope your celebration of last month’s Unthanksgiving Day was restful, fulfilling, and solitary. Curfews, self-isolation, and Digital Vaccine Passports are sacrifices we must make for the indefinite future. We look forward to next week’s rollout of Pfizer-BioNTech’s subcutaneous monitor and transponder.
5,593 pages
The U.S. Senate on Monday evening approved a 5,593-page spending bill, which now goes to the president. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who apparently is a Republican, informs us it’s a “COVID-19 relief package.”
Sen. Rand Paul, who actually is a Republican, is more honest. He calls it a “monstrosity.”
That’s the simple truth. A growing number of Americans are out of work or unable to work because of lockdowns, but Congress has decided to divert billions of dollars to Afghanistan’s “infrastructure repair,” Cameroon’s “maritime security programs,” and for Sri Lanka’s “refurbishing of a high endurance cutter.
"If The President Signs One Piece Of Paper"
There is something strange happening beneath the bubbling muck of Washington. The swamp is churning. The creatures that dwell in the slime are writhing. One wonders if some may be trying to escape.
We have a glimpse of what is happening in the mire thanks to Patrick Byrne, the founder and former CEO of, who left the company last year. He’s published a lengthy article on his DeepCapture.
Stumbling Toward National Divorce
America appears to be stumbling toward national divorce.
The classic signs are present. There are arguments, expressions of contempt, stored resentments, and breaches of trust. The left is having an affair by cheating with the Chinese.
Verbal abuse has escalated to violence, with street commies burning down businesses of Trump supporters. There are threats of worse to come.
Peaceful splits are possible. Hungary and Austria separated in 1867 through the Ausgleich agreement.