Love your latest blog post about keeping it personal. I need to do more of that too. I get caught up in trying to make it worth reading, but I need to stay focused on just writing whatever I can write from my own unique perspective.
Thank you @lost! That is exactly what I feel too. I would love to read more from your own perspective, I really enjoyed your Slice of Life and Weekly Recaps from last year 🤗
Strongly relate with your recent blog post! The permanence of online things can both be so amazing and terrifying, lol. It's good to keep things in perspective about posting on your own personal website and keeping things casual, and it's something I also want to reflect more on. 💗
Really enjoy this post! Also, I had no idea journalling RPGs were a thing. Apothecaria sounds fun!
Hi, i've just read "My developer story" article, it is kind of different from my own story.. I want your help getting a part time job or freelance gigs if you or the company you work for have any spare positions if possible.
little post about how to make ASCII art accessible!
OOOOOH thank you so much for that little post on ASCII art and accessibility - I was wondering how to do something similar earlier and I think this works perfectly!! Thank you so much for sharing this!! 🥹 💕
THANK YOU for the accessibility stuff, i've always wondered how screen readers interpret ASCII (spoilers: they don't lol). I've added this to my resources page :)
@nonkiru you're very welcome! I just stumbled upon it tbh, and now I am obsessed with ASCII art 😁🥰
oooh, will add this to my accessibility link list :3