In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Third Skin
  • Andrea Zapp (bio)

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Third Skin. © 2011 Andrea Zapp.

“Analogue becomes the new Digital” in Andrea Zapp’s experiments in textile media narratives. Her work explores digital media and the mapping of collective space through fabric print, image patterns, embroidery techniques, and other formats of physical object and embellishment. Third Skin captures imagery of our social, digital, and urban neighborhoods and interiors and transfers them to fabric and dress design. Zapp plays with Marshall McLuhan’s idea of “clothing being an extension of skin, the way that media are an extension of the body.” In these pieces, photography, surveillance, and online footage become the sources for hand-manufactured dresses as media narratives. They map the collective and shared (images, digital and physical scenarios, and objects) onto the domestic: a one-off garment as individual statement and choice. Skin is explored as a media surface and as a metaphor for mapping and merging physical and digital realities. Zapp’s goal here is to establish a stronger emotional link between audience and media [End Page 380] artwork. The virtual space is framed as the other place of memory and home by capturing it in analogue paraphernalia, modeled on and manufactured from the digital. Craft and media design objects and artifacts render the digital space domestic and decorative, but with the intention of provoking a surreal and paradoxical sense of longing and belonging to a parallel world. As Zapp suggests, “the idea of a digital habitat, a shared environment, is the main driving narrative in my installations, down to the actual physical architecture in many of my earlier works resembling physical living spaces, hotels, houses, and private webcam scenarios to create related metaphors.”

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Third Skin. © 2011 Andrea Zapp.

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Andrea Zapp

Andrea Zapp Manchester Metropolitan University Manchester, United Kingdom

Andrea Zapp is a senior research fellow in media arts at Manchester Metropolitan University School of Art and programme leader of the Media Lab. She published Networked Narrative Environments as Imaginary Spaces of Being and New Screen Media: Cinema/Art/Narrative, with Martin Rieser. She has curated the international exhibitions StoryRooms: Interactive Networks, Media Art and Installations, at The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester; The World is My Imagination: Media-Model-Miniature, at CUBE Gallery, Manchester; POI: Moving, Mapping, Memory, at Cornerhouse, Manchester; and Analogue is the New Digital, an exhibition across the digital networks of Manchester, in collaboration with Simon Blackmore, as part of AND Festival. She currently curates an online exhibition and publication on the same topic, in collaboration with the SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community. She has lectured and shown her artwork at numerous international venues, museums, exhibitions, and festivals since the mid-1990s, including Tate Modern, BEAP, ISEA, Ars Electronica, and SIGGRAPH. Visit for a full list of projects.


