In this Issue
Established in 1950, Swedish-American Studies (previously Swedish-American Historical Quarterly) is the official journal of the Swedish-American Historical Society. An international forum for scholarship on migration and ethnicity, as well as cultural, social, and political relations broadly defined, the journal offers compelling accounts—personal and collective—of the experiences of Swedes in North America. Swedish-American Studies publishes articles and research that advance the understanding of transatlantic relations through the Swedish migration experience as well as the ongoing relationship between the United States and Sweden. The journal includes peer-reviewed scholarly articles; state-of-the-field and topical essays related to historical and archival work; book reviews and reviews of other media, such as television, film, and plays; and an annual Swedish-American Bibliography, compiling important and relevant new research.
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University of Minnesota Pressviewing issue
Volume 49, Number 3, July 1998Table of Contents
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Copyright © Swedish-American Historical Society