Research Scientist at IAE-CSIC
Address Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Campus; Bellaterra, 08193, Barcelona, Spain
Research Interests Economic Growth, International Trade, and Macroeconomic Aspects of Economic Development.
Consider contributing to YingHua He memorial fund for graduate fellowships
Economic Geography and Structural Change with Clement Bohr and Frédéric Robert-Nicoud, supersedes the paper Heterothetic Cobb-Douglas: Theory and Applications, CEPR WP which contains some additional results.
Aggregation and Closed-Form Results for Nonhomothetic CES Preferences with Clement Bohr and Emre Enes Yavuz, CEPR WP.
Wealth Distribution and Human Capital: How Do Borrowing Constraints Shape Schooling Systems?
More Trade, Less Diffusion: Technology Transfers and the Dynamic Effects of Import Liberalization with Ruben Gaetani and Gustavo de Souza.
Income-Driven Labor-Market Polarization with Diego Comin and Ana Danieli,
online appendix, first version: July 2020, last update: Nov. 2022. Revise and Resubmit,
The Stable Transformation Path
with Francisco Buera, Joseph Kaboski and Daniel O’Connor,
online appendix. Revise and Resubmit,
Global Innovation and Productivity: Evidence from 100 years of World Patent Data. Full Online Appendix. File containing Fields of Knowledge Classification of International Patent Codes. This work was cited in Chapter 6 of the 2024 CEA Report.
Import Competition and Labor Regulation: Worker-Level Evidence with Sergi Basco, Maxime Liegey and Gabriel Smagghue.
Quarterly Industry-Level Labor Productivity Data for the U.S. with Bart Hobijn, Nicolas Werquin and Jing Zhang. Accepted at the
Technological Waves, Knowledge Diffusion, and Local Growth with Enrico Berkes and Ruben Gaetani, first version: Dec. 2021, last update: Sept. 2024. Accepted for publication,
Financial Crises and the Global Supply Network: Evidence from Multinational Enterprises with Sergi Basco, Giulia Felice and Bruno Merlevede, first version: April 2023. Forthcoming,
The Effect of Import Competition across Occupations with Sergi Basco, Maxime Liegey and Gabriel Smagghue, online appendix first version: July 2021, last update: Dec. 2023. Forthcoming,
Structural Change with Long-run Income and Price Effects
with Diego Comin and Danial Lashkari,
The World Income Distribution: The Effects of International Unbundling of Production, with Sergi Basco, online appendix, supplemental material, replication files.
If Technology Has Arrived Everywhere, Why Has Income Diverged? with Diego Comin, appendix, estimates, replication files, media: AEA’s highlight video, the economist 1, the economist 2, nyt, voxeu, bloomberg, economiclogic.
Human Capital Accumulation and Occupational Choice: Implications for Economic Development, with Johanna Schauer and Robert Townsend, online appendix, replication files.
Mergers along the Global Supply Chain: Information Technologies and Routine Tasks, with Sergi Basco, media: voxeu. WP version.
Technology Diffusion: Measurement, Causes and Consequences, with Diego Comin,
Heterogeneous Trade Costs and Wage Inequality: A Model of Two Globalizations, with Sergi Basco,
Structural Change in Innovation, with Danial Lashkari and Diego Comin.
What Goods do Countries Trade?, with Danial Lashkari.
Micro Assignment and Macro Elasticities, with Riccardo Bianchi-Vimercati.
Jobless Industrialization, with Laura Alfaro, Marcela Eslava and Felipe Saenz.
Persistence of Inequality after Apartheid: Assessing the Role of Geography and Skills, with Kristina Manysheva and Johanna Schauer.
Scale and Skill, with Diego Comin and Matthew Dey.
Step-by-step derivations for Nonhomothetic CES
Guest Lecture on Structural Change and Nonhomothetic CES at U Chicago Ec 376