The inimitable Joe Clark’s Ten Years Ago in Spy has a brand-spanking new all-CSS layout from yours truly. As Joe said, “Take that, Alex Isley, Christiaan Kuypers, and B.W. Honeycutt!”

I didn’t do a strict before and after comparison, but I estimate at least several K have been saved. The biggest savings should come from the table, which had an elaborate system of classes that I was able to all but eliminate thanks to the flexbility provided by Joe’s semantic markup. Enjoy, and take some time to browse the archives, it’s quite entertaining.

5 thoughts on “I Spy CSS

  1. oh my gooooodness i love that font. i always used them in chapter questions for boyce, or random english q&a things for smith-williams. it’s so NIIIIIIIIIICE. anyway good layout too. but font makes it sweeeet.