Design Guidelines are based on ▸location map design of the German map shop (in German). It's preferable to derive new locator maps from existing location maps. Please keep both size and ratio in this case. Thus the new locator maps may still be applied as location map (▸Guide). Marker color is supposed to be darkred. Waterbodies may be transparent, to show other objects better. Please be aware that this guide is only a recommendation. It’s not an inevitable law!
Zoomed box on a world map also showing the remote part of country
Disputed areas
rest of Serbia: foreign or the same country?
Kosovo: part of Serbia?
Whether South Ossetia or Abkhazia form a part of Georgia is disputed. The marked Georgian administrative region however is partly under Georgian control (solid red) while other parts are part break-away "country" South Ossetia (hatched).
India claims some northern areas (hatched) while other areas are controlled by India but challenged by other countries. India claims all of Kashmir (red areas), while it controls only the southern part of it (cf. broad red stripes vs. narrow red stripes).
Western Sahara: part of Morocco?
Like above. However, the map differentiates whether the disputed area is controlled by Morocco or not.
Locator map of Taiwan in China. Map hatches all areas that are claimed but not controlled by China. Hence, highlighted Taiwan is also hatched grey/red.
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