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Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings

Start Writing More Classes

written on Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Python community in my mind has the dangerous opinion that classes are unnecessary fluff that should be replaced with functions wherever possible. The fact that there is a talk of the title “Stop Writing Classes” with 50.000 views on YouTube is not helping. I want to give a counter argument to this idea that classes are evil by sharing some examples of why I think we can't have enough classes.

Classes and API Design

First of all let me preface all of this by saying that functions are awesome. When I'm arguing for more classes I'm not saying that we should have less functions. I love the idea of the Java IO system. What I do not love is how complicated it's to use — it is without a doubt a horrible end-user API:

static String readFirstLine(String path) {
    try {
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path));
        try {
            return br.readLine();
        } finally {
            if (br != null)
    } catch (IOException error) {
        return null;

I don't think many of you will mention the above code example as something you want to write many times a day. But did you know that the Python io.open() function (or Python 3's builtin open()) function does the same thing behind the scenes?

Have a look at this example:

>>> f = io.open('/tmp/test.txt', 'r')
>>> f
<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/test.txt' encoding='utf-8'>
>>> f.buffer
<_io.BufferedReader name='/tmp/test.txt'>
>>> f.buffer.raw
<_io.FileIO name='/tmp/test.txt' mode='rb'>

In fact if you look closer, you will notice that Python adds an additional level of indirection in the form of a TextIOWrapper on top of what's there from the Java example. Yes, at the end of the day all you need to do is to call open() with a filename and a mode parameter and you get back an object you can operate with, but under the hood this is implemented through the decorator pattern and a ton of classes.

Python gives us a function at the end of the day, but the function does not hide away its inner workings. The function open() acts as a helper for the most common case of opening files and it will behind the scenes do whatever logic necessary to come back with the most appropriate implementation of a reader interface and use that to open the given file.

I love concise APIs and I love such functions but these functions should be just helpers for the common case and not the sole API.

Condoms for Onions

Have you ever written a parser in C by hand? C is pretty low level and as such parsing can get a little bit tedious at times. The way I approach that generally is by layering these things. The first piece of functionality I am generally writing in such cases is a little abstraction around reading a single character from some source of bytes. While I'm at it, I'm also adding support for peeking one character into the future. What I end up in that situation is basically two functions: read character and peek character. Alternatively read character and push character, whatever feels more natural.

The next layer is one that combines multiple characters into larger tokens (like identifiers, number literals, strings etc.). At that level I would create a thing that keeps a reference to the reader that produces characters and probably some internal buffer that builds up my current token. For instance while I have not yet reached the end of the string I would feed my characters into a buffer until I found the end of the string, then I let my function return.

The next level above that would be to combine multiple tokens into a tree of nodes. For instance the tokens [ "bar" , 42 and ] would become list(string("bar"), int(42)).

Sometimes parsers go a bit further and blend the separation between the thing that produces characters (reader) and the thing that produces tokens (tokenizer/lexer) a bit for efficiency reason. Very rarely do computers these days give you individual characters. IO is pretty much the slowest thing our computers can do, especially networking. The next thing that computers don't do particularly well is context switching. Because both of these things are usually involved when doing networking your operating system will make this whole process faster by buffering up data somewhere.

The way this usually works is that a you define a buffer of a certain size and then tell the kernel to receive some bytes from the network and then fell it into that buffer. The whole story is obviously more complicated than that, but this is good enough to get the point across.

The point however is that instead of reading characters step by step some lexers will instead have a look at a buffer of a certain size and move a pointer around in that buffer and modify some bytes in place (in-situ). Strings in JSON for instance will always only get shorter after parsing. For starters they have two unnecessary characters at start and end (the quotes) and then they also have escapes (like \u0061 which really is just another way to write a) which also make a string less long. This form of lexing is pretty efficient for as long as the token is fully terminated within that buffer. If for instance you read 4096 bytes into a buffer and the buffer contents are ["hello world"] then each token is fully terminated in the buffer. If however the buffer would have only been 12 bytes long then only ["hello worl would have fitted in. In that case in-situ processing of the string “hello world” is not possible without some extra buffering.

Why am I writing all of this? Turns out parsing in Python is not really any different. While you might not be reading character by character because that's pretty damn slow, parsers are still internally having a tokenizer that makes tokens. No matter how you implement your parser, at the end of the day you have an internal thing that reads a resource and yields tokens, then combines those tokens into some form of nested structure.

So you would think. Some libraries manage to skip the token part. (I'm looking at you simplejson, a library that even with the best intentions in mind is impossible to teach stream processing)

Unfortunately the Python community has decided that it's better to hide this beautiful layered architecture away behind a protection that prevents you from tapping and customizing the individual layers.

C is good for you

Here is the extend on the public API that you get from the standard library JSON module: json.loads(input_string) -> output_object. (Bear with me, I know there is more). It takes a string and then it does it's magic and will return a nested Python structure of things. Why is this bad? It's bad because internally that parser obviously had to deal with taking bytes and making them into Python objects to begin with so it's just removed functionality.

Why is it a problem that functionality was removed? Mainly because my only choice in this case to customize the behavior is to copy/paste the code and modify the original source. There is no API for me to hook into. While the JSON module has a tiny bit of customizability by subclassing the json.JSONDecoder object this one only has two methods that are useless for most cases. The internal tokenizer is not at all exposed.

At the very least this makes stream processing absolutely impossible. What's stream processing? Imagine someone sends you a JSON document of 2GB of data. The only way to use the standard library module would be to have >8GB of RAM and then loading that whole thing into your memory before parsing. You will need between 2GB RAM just to buffer up the input string, then you will need between 2GB and 8GB RAM additionally to keep the parsed object before you can drop the other 2GB for the input data.

This is so disappointing considering you can see that internally that JSON library has exactly the functionality one would need for stream processing.

“But I don't need stream processing”. That's a pretty weak argument. For starters it goes against the current trend of what Pythonistas are raving about: user level context switches aka cooperative multitasking aka green threads aka gevent. It's nice and everything if your IO is neatly asynchronous but that illusion of concurrency falls flat on the floor if you start hogging CPU away. If your neat little web server is getting 10000 requests a second through gevent but is using json.loads then I can probably make it crawl to a halt by sending it 16MB of well crafted and nested JSON that hog away all your CPU. Since nothing within json.loads is going to yield to another green thread I just DOS'ed your application by just sending you regular JSON data.

What data did I send? Just a very benign [[[0] for x in xrange(2000)] for y in xrange(2000)] which is roughly 15MB of data. My rather fancy Macbook Pro clocked at 2.4GHz takes 1.36 seconds if using the C extension. If I use the pure Python implementation of simplejson instead the whole thing needs 25 seconds, so a significantly smaller payload would already do the trick to keep your neat little green server disabled.

If you write C code you constantly have memory consumption in mind. Never ever would a C programmer thing: alright, that thing grows arbitrary large and buffers up all data if necessary. Since every memory allocation could potentially fail a C programmer always keeps an eye open in regards to how large memory consumption might grow. That's a mindset that also translates well to other C inspired languages, even if they manage memory for you. At the very least C++ and C# are language where people keep such things in mind.

Outside the Box

Let's have a look outside of our comfy Python box. A family of libraries I like a lot is msgpack. It's essentially a binary version of JSON that's quite efficient to parse. The Python library essentially suffers like many other libraries from the “one method to rule them all” mantra. (Yes, there is a streaming reader but that suffers from the same problem)

This is (pretty much the only) Python API:

>>> data = '\x93\x01\x02\x03'
>>> msgpack.loads(data)
(1, 2, 3)

Looks familiar? Indeed! But let's see how the C# library for msgpack works:

var data = new byte[] { 0x93, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 };
var unpacker = Unpacker.Create(new MemoryStream(data));
var result = unpacker.ReadItem();
// result == MessagePackObject[3] {
//   MessagePackObject { Int = 1 },
//   MessagePackObject { Int = 2 },
//   MessagePackObject { Int = 3 }
// };

That looks awfully familiar. What's the difference? So far none. It read one item from the stream and what it read was a message pack array of three integers (also represented as nested message pack objects). In fact, this example so far is exactly the same as the Python version. However unlike the Python version it does not hide it's internal API. Look:

var data = new byte[] { 0x93, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 };
var unpacker = Unpacker.Create(new MemoryStream(data));
var result = unpacker.Read();
// result == MessagePackObject { IsMapStart = true }

What's result now? It's a message pack object again, but instead of containing an integer it has an internal flag flipped that says: I'm the start of a map (dictionary). If you would read another item it would say: I'm the integer 1 and so forth. This makes it trivial to switch to and from stream processing at any point in time. For instance one could look assert that the toplevel object is an array and then buffer up the one object in between. This could even be improved by keeping track of the depth of the object that is consumed by ReadItem() and error out if it's too deep or an array grows too large.

In fact, the whole Unpacker class is only a handful of lines long and basically does nothing else than providing a few helpers around resource management and subtree reconstruction. All the low-level details are exposed and it's trivial to extend this library in almost any shape or form. The design is flexible enough that you could make your own unpacker based on the exposed low-level APIs that you could both yield to other green threads, do depth and array length sanitization, skip past uninteresting parts of a sub tree, stream processing or to convert incoming data to custom data types.

And none of that is rocket science. It's the natural way to write this library in C#. Nobody would come up with the idea to hide all that logic behind one monolithic function, certainly nobody from the C/C++ or C# community would embrace the idea of a monolithic function.

Methods all the Way Down

So let's have a look at a practical example that is not data serialization. (You should not get the idea that that's all I have in mind!) For instance Flask comes with a function called render_template which takes a template name and some keyword arguments which are forwarded as parameters to the template. Internally it roughly looks like this:

def render_template(template_name, **context):
    template = current_app.jinja_env.get_template(template_name)
    return template.render(context)

This is a convenience function, it does not implement actual template rendering. It just further simplifies a common case. So what does jinja_env.get_template look like? Basically like this:

def get_template(self, name, parent=None, globals=None):
    if parent is not None:
        name = self.join_path(name, parent)
    return self.loader.load(self, name, globals)

What's loader.load?

def load(self, environment, name, globals=None):
    if globals is None:
        globals = {}
    source, filename, uptodate = self.get_source(environment, name)
    code = environment.compile(source, name, filename)
    return environment.template_class.from_code(environment, code,
                                                globals, uptodate)

Notice how the loader points back to the environment class to figure out which template class to instantiate or how to compile a template from a given sourcecode to bytecode. Every single point can be overridden.

Here is how environment.compile looks like:

def compile(self, source, name, filename=None):
    # template code to jinja's abstract syntax tree
    source = self._parse(source, name, filename)
    # jinja's abstract syntax tree to python source
    source = self._generate(source, name, filename)
    # python source to bytecode
    return self._compile(source, filename)

In fact the Jinja2 environment is full of methods that are just waiting to be overridden. There are still internal unstable APIs you're not supposed to modify but generally there is a lot of stuff you can customize. This is useful! Yes. At the end of the day Flask's render_template is all you're going to use in 99% of all cases, but that 1% of the other cases should not require you to rewrite all of the library.

There is nothing more frustrating than figuring out that your library you have been using until now requires a patch in a C extension to continue functioning for you.

So let's stop with this misleading idea of putting functionality in functions and let's start writing classes instead.

Something else I want to mention: what's written above will most likely result in some sort of warmed up discussion in regards to object oriented programming versus something else. Or inheritance versus strategies. Or virtual methods versus method passing. Or whatever else hackernews finds worthy of a discussion this time around.

All of that is entirely irrelevant to the point I'm making which is that monolithic pieces of code are a bad idea. And our solution to monolithic code in Python are classes. If your hammer of choice is Haskell then use whatever the equivalent in Haskell looks like. Just don't force me to fork your library because you decided a layered API is not something you want to expose to your user.

This entry was tagged python and thoughts