ROCA: Return Of the Coppersmith Attack
ROCA: Return Of the Coppersmith Attack
Posted Nov 20, 2017 14:12 UTC (Mon) by tialaramex (subscriber, #21167)In reply to: ROCA: Return Of the Coppersmith Attack by nix
Parent article: ROCA: Return Of the Coppersmith Attack
Unfortunately all these types of solutions are also vulnerable to a problem where somebody nicks your Yubikey, field upgrades it to a version that works against you, then gives it back. Being obliged to send the device away to the manufacturer partly averts this attack. Of course a _very_ sophisticated adversary might be able to produce a look-alike device that suits their purpose and can be substituted quickly, for example by pick-pocketing. For example if you're Bill Browder, then sure, even the current arrangement isn't going to keep you safe from the type of forces able to have your associates murdered with impunity and then blame you for their deaths. But most of us aren't Bill Browder.