Preventing stack guard-page hopping
Preventing stack guard-page hopping
Posted Jun 19, 2017 21:09 UTC (Mon) by roc (subscriber, #30627)In reply to: Preventing stack guard-page hopping by cpitrat
Parent article: Preventing stack guard-page hopping
The local privilege escalation threat assumes that the high-privilege C code is trusted, and then exploits it.
If the attacker can write high-privilege C code, you've already lost.
Posted Jun 20, 2017 9:43 UTC (Tue)
by moltonel (guest, #45207)
[Link] (1 responses)
Posted Jun 20, 2017 10:13 UTC (Tue)
by matthias (subscriber, #94967)
If the attacker has the ability to run his own code with privileges, everything is already lost. No need for an exploit.
Preventing stack guard-page hopping
Preventing stack guard-page hopping