Rethinking race-free process signaling
Rethinking race-free process signaling
Posted Apr 7, 2019 13:24 UTC (Sun) by geuder (subscriber, #62854)Parent article: Rethinking race-free process signaling
Some what resistingly I changed pid_max to 999999 some months ago. With the 15 bit limit in use for decades I expected something to break. But luckily I have not observed any breakage (although I'm ready to believe those who say they have seen broken SW). Only (command line) user friendliness has suffered a bit. Most of the pids are 6 digits to remember. But hey, that's what I wanted...
It's indeed strange that the 15 bit limit has lived for so long. On the other hand in desktop usage and probably also in many server cases the process creation rate has not increased that drastically as many other performance parameters during the last 20 years.
It can't harm if the kernel hackers fix this issue in any case.When thinking about pid namespaces and mount namespaces involved we can just hope it doesn't get too complicated to be usable in real life...