Case-insensitive ext4
Case-insensitive ext4
Posted Mar 29, 2019 10:52 UTC (Fri) by nim-nim (subscriber, #34454)In reply to: Case-insensitive ext4 by nybble41
Parent article: Case-insensitive ext4
That's the part people object to, because they are used to the simplicity of pushing encoding problems somewhere else, with "filenames are streams of bytes". Which was not true even for original UNIX. Actual original Unix filename bytes were 7bit ASCII bytes and nothing else.
But 7bit ASCII is useless in a modern i18n world. So you need to record other pivot encoding(s) in filesystems¹.
¹ Record, not reproduce the mistake of original UNIX, that assumed there was a single encoding that would never evolve so there was no need to make it explicit; easy mistake to made in the simpler computer age they lived in; inexcusable mistake to make today.