The code of conduct at the Maintainers Summit
The code of conduct at the Maintainers Summit
Posted Oct 24, 2018 7:03 UTC (Wed) by mjthayer (guest, #39183)In reply to: The code of conduct at the Maintainers Summit by bfields
Parent article: The code of conduct at the Maintainers Summit
> But: one of the ideas I think was that people feel more comfortable if they can put faces to reviewers, rather than just seeing them as strange sources of frightening feedback?
Although meeting someone is probably much better, putting a face on a reviewer can also be done without. A study suggested that radiologists work much better and find much more when they have a picture of the patient attached to the scan. I think I read about that in the Economist, but I found an online NYT article about it[1]. I wonder whether it applies in this context too, with e.g. profile pictures?