Testing for kernel performance regressions
Testing for kernel performance regressions
Posted Aug 4, 2012 19:09 UTC (Sat) by robert_s (subscriber, #42402)In reply to: Testing for kernel performance regressions by man_ls
Parent article: Testing for kernel performance regressions
But that's the stuff that gets tested anyway, by people. The trouble _is_ with the esoteric hardware.
Posted Aug 4, 2012 22:39 UTC (Sat)
by man_ls (guest, #15091)
[Link] (1 responses)
Posted Aug 6, 2012 11:17 UTC (Mon)
by niner (subscriber, #26151)
Yes, so it is wasting the time of those people who have to painstakingly compile -rc kernels, load them and check that everything works. Not to speak about performance regressions in the drivers and filesystems, which I imagine must be hard to find and boring work. While a test suite publicly available might be run privately and also on the public git repos after every push. It is called continuous deployment, we do it at my company and it is fun, challenging stuff!
Testing for kernel performance regressions
Testing for kernel performance regressions