totally disagree
totally disagree
Posted Jul 30, 2010 14:41 UTC (Fri) by tstover (guest, #56283)Parent article: GUADEC: Luis Villa points GNOME at the web
So if you want to jump in the fire with the superstition, anarchy, and decay that is the dark age of ajax, iphones, flash, and big brother in your firmware, then go have a good time - but get off my lawn. :) In ten years I guarantee people like me will still be making money with our beloved C, *nix, ipv4, and yes desktop computing. Not the least of which will be the ones developing everyone else's little sandboxed browsers they think are such a big deal.
(the more I pursue this character of senseless antagonism towards "web technologies", the funnier I think it is, and the more I love it!)