WOW! What a statement
WOW! What a statement
Posted Nov 9, 2006 5:05 UTC (Thu) by dgilmore (subscriber, #40144)In reply to: WOW! What a statement by bojan
Parent article: Fedora Core 6 review (Software In Review)
As someone who supports Windows, OSX and Linux for a living. I'll post
some of my thoughts.
Windows and OSX both require me to first remove alot of crap that I don't
want nor need. then I need to go through the hellish process that is
updating and installing the software that I want. The big ones that
stand out is a lack of productivity suites and pdf reader/writer.
Linux installs are a much simpler process and the finished system
generally has all That is needed on it. its a one step process to get
updates. and simple to install what other software i need. I can if i
want do a kick start install and ensure i have everything i need
including updates at the end of the install.
The reviewer is entitled to his opinion and i strongly disagree with it.
Yes there are some bugs in the installer. yes there are bugs in all
software. But Fedora does a very good job of responding to them when
filed in the right place. Namely bugzilla.
Posted Nov 9, 2006 13:06 UTC (Thu)
by cpm (guest, #3554)
I strongly echo the orig sentiments.
As someone else who also supports Windows, Linux and OSX for a living.WOW! What a statement