The Kernel Hacker's Bookshelf: Ultimate Physical Limits of Computation
The Kernel Hacker's Bookshelf: Ultimate Physical Limits of Computation
Posted Jun 19, 2008 13:35 UTC (Thu) by nix (subscriber, #2304)In reply to: The Kernel Hacker's Bookshelf: Ultimate Physical Limits of Computation by dskoll
Parent article: The Kernel Hacker's Bookshelf: Ultimate Physical Limits of Computation
I find Vinge's original concept of the technological singularity to be much more interesting than Kurzweil's accelerating-progress thing, which suffers from severe selection bias: had he written that book in 1920, it would have been obvious that an avionics singularity was approaching by, say, 1990. It didn't happen, because progress in single technological fields follows S-shaped curves, not exponential ones.