Not sure about how to fix .NET 8.0.4 uninstall failure
I have a handful of devices which recently had .NET 8.0.4 install on it. This version has vulnerabilities. I'm hoping to fix all of this remotely, preferable with PowerShell. Before attempting the removal of .NET 8.0.4 x86 I've installed .NET 8.0.11 x86…
ASP.NET CORE MVC - Shared\Error.cshtml
Hi, I'm really new to ASP.NET Core MVC. I normally use ASP.Net Web forms (.Net Framework). One thing I could not figure out about MVC is the out-of-the box project templage (ASP.Net core mvc with .net 9 template in visual studio) has the Error.cshtml…
ASP.NET CORE MVC - Shared\Error.cshtml
Hi, I'm really new to ASP.NET Core MVC. I normally use ASP.Net Web forms (.Net Framework). One thing I could not figure out about MVC is the out-of-the box project templage (ASP.Net core mvc with .net 9 template in visual studio) has the Error.cshtml…
How can I create and upload an iOS-Build from Visual Studio to App Store TestFlight?
I had already created an application on App Store Connect some time ago and I had uploaded an iOS-Build in TestFlight. The iOS-Build expired and I want to upload a new iOS-Build. I had created my first iOS-Build on a macOS device. I switched from macOS…
How to use commas after three digits next to numbers using LINQ Query
I want to separate the numeric values in my query with commas for ease of viewing. Is it possible? example 1000.00 I want to see 1,000.00 10000.00 I want to see 10,000.00 100000.00 I want to see 100,000.00 //Query var data = (from a in…
The "CreateAppHost" task failed unexpectedly. How do I fix this?
I opened a project I worked on a few months and a few updates ago. Now I can't open the form designer. The error list states: MSB4018 The "CreateAppHost" task failed unexpectedly. System.IO.IOException: The requested operation cannot be…
How to run maui app as admininstrator after deployment as unpacakged(exe)
Hi, How I run maui app on windows 8 as admin after deployment as unpcakaged (exe). This deployment command. dotnet publish -f net8.0-windows10.0.19041.0 -c Release /p:AppxPackageSigningEnabled=true…
FirebaseApp Initialization Error in MAUI .NET 8
Hello, I am encountering an issue with initializing Firebase in my MAUI Android and iOS projects. The error message I am receiving on Android is: [mono-rt] [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Java.Lang.IllegalStateException: Default FirebaseApp is not…
Issue with 405 Method Not Allowed instead of 401 Unauthorized in ASP.NET Core with JWT Authentication
Hi everyone, I'm encountering an issue with my ASP.NET Core application where I'm getting a 405 Method Not Allowed error instead of the expected 401 Unauthorized error when accessing an endpoint that requires authentication. Here's a detailed description…
Issue with 405 Method Not Allowed instead of 401 Unauthorized in ASP.NET Core with JWT Authentication
Hi everyone, I'm encountering an issue with my ASP.NET Core application where I'm getting a 405 Method Not Allowed error instead of the expected 401 Unauthorized error when accessing an endpoint that requires authentication. Here's a detailed description…
Adding Blazor Identity to existing Blazer project fails with a 'null path' exception
Hi! I have the following: .Net SDK 9 Visual Studio Community 2022 v 17.12.3 Windows v10.0.19044 Blazer Server App When I try to add the Blazor Identity "scaffolding" I get a "There was an error running the selected code generator:…
Smooth Transition Between Pages with and Without Navigation Bars in MAUI
In a .NET MAUI application, I have a scenario where I'm navigating from a page without a navigation bar (NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false)) to a page that includes a navigation bar. During the transition, the appearance of the navigation…
convert xamarin rerender to maui handler
i have trouble migrating xamarin rerender to maui handler. Here's the code [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomNavigationPage), typeof(CustonNavigationRenderer))] namespace Test.App.Business { public class CustomNavigationRenderer :…
Remote debugging of ASP.NET (.NET Core 8) app under IIS 10 will not show source code on breakpoint
Historically, I've had no problems using the remote debugger on a Windows server for .NET Framework web services. I've now had to create a .NET Core 8 Web API using VS2022. I've published the service to a W2016 host and am hosting it under IIS…
Performance issues in Session State
Hi. We are running a .Net Framework 4.8 mvc web application with redis session state setup. We are experiencing performance issues and the profiling we have done indicates that session state, specifically GetSessionStateItemAsync, is waiting for long…
How do I fix static assets not showing on implementing project with .Net9
Hi, I am having an issue in my app when trying to implement a Nuget package. My project has the following configuration: <ItemGroup> <!-- Include the JavaScript file in the NuGet package --> <Content…
Issue with TabbedPageRenderer Causing IconImageSource to Disappear on CurrentPageChanged Event
I am experiencing an issue with the custom implementation of TabbedPageRenderer in .NET MAUI. When the CurrentPageChanged event is invoked, the IconImageSource for the tabs intermittently disappears. This behavior seems related to how the renderer…
Impact of Upgrading to Xcode 16 on Xamarin Forms Code Compatibility
Hi, I am in the middle of migrating the Xamarin Forms code to MAUI, but we still need to release production bug fixes with Xamarin Forms. I am currently using macOS 14.3.1 and need to upgrade to macOS 15.2 to get Xcode 16, as I am receiving an error…
How to run web application using visual studio code ?
I work on .NET 4.7. I have an issue: I can't run applications in Visual Studio Code. I don't know how to run it. Startup page is http://localhost:22851/WebPages/loginT.aspx This page opens in Visual Studio 2019, but how to open the page logint.aspx in…
Android Apk not installed
dotnet publish -f:net9.0-android -c:Release /p:AndroidSigningKeyPass=math@24 /p:AndroidSigningStorePass=math@24 When I try to install apk file "on my Android phone I get below error "App not installed as app isnt compatible with your…