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Maupi, 1881-1949

LC control no.no2003022190
Personal name headingMaupi, 1881-1949
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Maupi, Marcel, 1881-1949
Barberin, Marcel, 1881-1949
Maupy, 1881-1949
Found inCeĢsar [VR] 1990: opening credits (cast, Maupi)
OCLC, Oct. 1, 2002: (hdgs.: Maupi; Maupi, 1881-1949 ; usage: Maupi)
Internet movie database, Oct. 1, 2002: (Marcel Maupi; b. Marcel Barberin, Nov. 6, 1881; d. Jan. 10, 1949; sometimes credited as Maupi, Maupy; actor in French films, 1930s-40s)