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Solt, Mary Ellen

LC control no.n 87829437
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3569.O65117 MnU
Personal name headingSolt, Mary Ellen
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Bottom, Mary Ellen
Birth date1920-07-08
Death date2007-06-21
Place of birthIowa
Place of deathSanta Clarita (Calif.)
Profession or occupationPoets
Found innuc86-98416: Williams, W.C. Dear Ez, 1985 (hdg. on NSyU rept.: Solt, Mary Ellen; usage: Mary Ellen Solt)
LC data base, 5-6-87 (hdg.: Solt, Mary Ellen)
New York times WWW site, July 2, 2007 (Mary Ellen Solt; b. Mary Ellen Bottom, July 8, 1920, Gilmore City, Iowa; m. Leo F. Solt; d. June 21, Santa Clarita, Calif., aged 86; American poet known for helping disseminate the art of concrete poetry, which marries words and typography to produce works in which the verbal and the visual are inextricably intertwined)