This is where I will share fanart, reblogs idiotic stuffs, and much more! Though I won't be active all the time, as I used to be! If you wany to follow someplace where I'm constanty present, check out my twitter!
You guys are so mean
Medicine Seller
Heard something new in a song I've listened to 200 times
happy ides of March
literally the same pic
not wanting to be outdone by the benders in the gang, sokka invents the flamethrower, the supersoaker, the leaf blower, and the concept of throwing rocks at people
this is canon. to me.
wait did anyone draw this already
People seriously underestimate the long term effects of constant loneliness
"why are you so weird?" Idk, maybe because being completely isolated while growing up has destroyed my brain and now I'm nothing more than a human-mimicking creature that bases all of my actions on what I think is normal human behavior rather than just doing things naturally
Bob Kuhn (1920-2007)
They Don't Eat Post Toasties
(and neither should you)
Finally, new art to show!
I had to draw my favorite wolf every since the Okami 2 announcement (I guess that we collectively forgot Okamiden...). I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT!
If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
Oh hey! Haven’t seen this in forever! Didn’t reblog it when it came across me before, not gonna skip it this time, I need some good vibes.
For old times sake is actually such a heartbreaking and beautiful sentiment. Like, let’s do it for the love that used to be here. It is reason enough.
aughh art block doodles
Why dis 💊 look so mad 😭😭😭