Scientific society of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists | ХАІ
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HomeScienceScientific society of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists
Scientific society of students, postgraduates,
doctoral students and young scientists

of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The scientific society ensures the protection of the rights and interests of persons who study or work at the University, in particular with regard to issues of scientific activity, support of scientific ideas, innovations and knowledge exchange.

The purpose of the activity of the Scientific Society of the University is to create conditions for revealing the scientific and creative potential of persons studying and working at the University, the development of scientific thinking and research skills in them, the popularization of various branches of science at the University, the development of innovative activities, organizational assistance to the University management in optimization scientific and educational work.

The activities of the Scientific Society are carried out according to the following principles:

- freedom of scientific creativity;

- voluntary membership and election of governing bodies of the Scientific Society;

- equality of members of the Scientific Society, openness and collegiality in work;

- connection of education and research work;

- accumulation and multiplication of the scientific potential of the University and education of future scientific and pedagogical personnel.

The main tasks of the Scientific Society are:

- involvement of persons studying and working at the University in research work;

- education of a harmoniously developed personality of a student, graduate student, doctoral student and young scientist;

- improving the quality of research and practical work of students, post-graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists of the University in order to gain practical experience in their field of work;

- mastering of modern methods and skills of conducting independent scientific research by students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists;

- finding and supporting talented researchers among those studying and working at the University, providing them with comprehensive assistance;

- generalization and dissemination of positive experience of scientific work of persons studying and working at the University;

- creation of favorable conditions for the participation of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists in scientific competitions, Olympiads, conferences, etc.;

- placement of scientific research of students, postgraduates, doctoral students and young scientists in domestic and foreign scientific networks;

- facilitating the solution of specific practical problems of business entities by involving the creative potential of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists;

- organization and development of international scientific and cultural cooperation with other institutions of higher education, scientific institutions and organizations;

- coverage of scientific activities of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists in mass media;

- performance of other tasks that correspond to the purpose of the Scientific Society.

In accordance with its purpose and principles of activity and tasks, the Scientific Society:

- coordinates the work of persons studying and working at the University, in scientific centers, encourages them to participate in the scientific life of the University;

- organizes and conducts scientific conferences of students, postgraduates, doctoral students and young scientists, research seminars, forums, exhibitions, round tables, lectures, debates, intellectual games, meetings with famous scientists and economists, presentations of scientific projects and other scientific and educational works;

- participates in the development and implementation of projects that can be proposed by enterprises and organizations regardless of the form of ownership and form of management, including with foreign ones, or their representative offices or divisions;

- cooperates and coordinates its activities with scientific societies of other institutions of higher education, promotes the development of inter-university and international cooperation;

- contributes to the publication of scientific works of persons studying and working at the University, as well as their placement on the official website of the University;

- promotes the protection of intellectual property of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists;

- conducts research contests for obtaining grants and other incentive measures to stimulate scientific research of persons studying and working at the University;

- covers its activities on the official website of the University, in periodicals of the University, as well as in other mass media;

- disseminates information about scientific activities of higher education institutions, scientific organizations and institutions of Ukraine and other countries among persons studying and working at the University;

- on behalf of the University's management, distributes information about conducting scientific events, competitions, conferences, etc., among persons studying and working at the University, and also participates in the organization of their holding;

- submits proposals to the Academic Council of the University regarding candidates for receiving named scholarships, prizes, awards, etc.;

- determines the list of promising projects regarding external financing and submits a request to the academic council of the University for financial support of publications, meetings with potential investors (representatives of enterprises, institutions, etc.) and internships in Ukraine and abroad at the expense of the University;

- cooperates with the units of the research department of the University and contributes to the improvement of the quality of scientific research;

- represents the interests of students, post-graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists before the University management and other organizations in matters of scientific work and academic career development;

- develops regulatory documents regulating the organization and activity of the Scientific Society;  

- carries out other activities that correspond to the purpose and tasks of the Scientific Society and do not contradict the legislation of Ukraine, the Statute of the University.