I'm a PhD student in Adam Chlipala's group at MIT, working on developing a mechanized framework for extension-proof compiler verification based on modular specifications for programming languages. I completed my Bachelor's degree in May 2020 at Northeastern University, where I researched gradual typing, parametric polymorphism, and compositional compiler correctness in Amal Ahmed's group. See my extended resume here.
Papers and Workshop Talks
Foundational Integration Verification of a Cryptographic Server. Andres Erbsen, Jade Philipoom, Dustin Jamner, Ashley Lin, Samuel Gruetter, Clément Pit-Claudel, and Adam Chlipala. In the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI '24). Copenhagen, Denmark. June 2024.
Pyrosome: A Framework for Modular, Extensible, Equivalence-Preserving Compilation. Dustin Jamner, Gabriel Kammer, and Adam Chlipala. In the Ninth International Workshop on Coq for PL (CoqPL 2023). Boston, Massachusetts, USA. January 2023. Workshop talk.
Relational Compilation for Performance-Critical Applications. Clément Pit-Claudel, Jade Philipoom, Dustin Jamner, Andres Erbsen, and Adam Chlipala. In the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI '22), San Diego, California, USA. June 2022.
Graduality and Parametricity: Together Again for the First Time. Max New, Dustin Jamner, and Amal Ahmed. In the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL '20), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. January 2020.
Using Binary Analysis Frameworks: The Case for BAP and angr. Chris Casinghino, Michael Dixon, Jt Paasch, Cody Roux, John Altidor, and Dustin Jamner. In the NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM '19), Houston, Texas, USA. May 2019.
Theorems for Free for Free: Parametricity, With and Without Types. Amal Ahmed, Dustin Jamner, Jeremy Siek, and Philip Wadler. In the ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP '17), Oxford, UK. September 2017. Technical report, June 2017.