The processes of globalization has not only facilitated the opening of economic boundaries, but also made the most advanced achievements in information and communication technologies available to many countries. These technologies have become the basis of the new digital infrastructure of society.
The Second International Scientific Conference "Digital Transformation on Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Service" (DTMIS-2018), held at the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, brought together experts from academia and work experience to discuss theoretical aspects, identify problems and find practical solutions for digital transformation on manufacturing, infrastructure and service.
The agenda of the Conference consisted of following topics of discussion: (1) industrial and social infrastructure digitalization; (2) business management in digital environment; (3) digital transformation in government and financial sector; (4) economic efficiency and social consequences of innovations; (5) digital economy and Industry 4.0 development; (6) safety of consumer goods within the concept "Internet of Things"; (7) modern decisions innovative development of trade; (8) quality management and competitive recovery of enterprises at digital economies.
The scientific works presented at the conference and published as articles were reviewed and approved by the Program Committee of the International Conference "Digital Transformation on Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Service" (DTMIS-2018). The sufficiently high scientific level of the presented articles should undoubtedly catch a wide range of international readers' interest.
The papers present original and significant ideas or results in theory and practice, and can be considered new knowledge on the key topics of the conference. The conference also became a platform for renewing long-lasting and establishing new contacts for representatives of the scientific and business community.
The results of the conference showed the possibility of mobilizing intellectual forces to develop new approaches to the enhancement of production systems in the context of the broad digitalization of modern society. Over 260 people attended the conference, representing Universities and business communities of Russia, China, Poland, USA, Germany, Indonesia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
We express special gratitude to the members of the Organizational and Program Committees of the Conference, the University and all participants who contributed to the work of the conference and the publication of these materials.
Professor, Dr. Vitaly Sergeev
Chairman DTMIS-2018