A three-day summit of talks, activities and workshops
The 24th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL) is an annual international conference dedicated to emerging and challenging topics in intelligent data analysis, data mining and their associated learning systems and paradigms.
The conference provides a unique opportunity and stimulating forum for presenting and discussing the latest theoretical advances and real-world applications in Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Data Analysis.
Évora is easily reachable from Lisbon by train (https://www.cp.pt/) or bus (https://rede-expressos.pt/ or https://www.flixbus.com/). All stations are within a walking distance of the suggested accommodation and the University of Évora main building.
Contact Us
General enquires:
General FAQs
General questions and answers will be compiled and listed here in due time or related pages for everybody's benefits.
Q: Is IDEAL 2023 hybrid or in person?
A: IDEAL 2023 will be entirely in person for the best effect.