found: Feminist art, c1980 (added entry)title page (Harmony Hammond)
found: Harmony Hammond, 2014:page 40 (b. 1944; attended University of Minnesota 1963-67 before moving to New York in 1969; since 1984 has lived and worked in New Mexico, teaching at the University of Arizona, Tucson 1989-2006)
found: Harmony Hammond, 2016:page 40 (Harmony Hammond (b. 1944) is recognized as a privotal contributor to the Feminist and Queer discourse that emerged in the early 1970s in New York)
found: Wikipedia, July 14, 2020:Harmony Hammond (Harmony Hammond (born February 8, 1944 in Hometown, Illinois) is an American artist, activist, curator, and writer. Harmony Hammond earned a B.A. of Arts in painting from the University of Minnesota in 1967. She co-founded the A.I.R. Gallery in 1972; it was the first women's cooperative art gallery in New York. She was an instructor at the New York Feminist Art Institute. Hammond was married for a short time; In 1973, Hammond publicly came out as a lesbian. In 1984, she moved to New Mexico. As a tenured full professor, Hammond taught painting, combined media and graduate critiques at the University of Arizona in Tucson, from 1988 to 2005. Hammond continues to teach workshops and writes, curates, and lectures on feminist, lesbian, and queer art) -