The FAIRCORE4EOSC project focuses on the development and realisation of core components for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), one of which is the Research Activity Identifier Service (RAiD).
The RAiD provides persistent, unique and resolvable information for research projects. It is an editable information record, which is issued with a persistent identifier (DOI). This combination enables curation of digital objects by multiple actors, over time, whereby changes to the information record do not require versioning of the DOI.
GraspOS considers the RAiD as an appropriate technology to implement concepts such as the Assessment Portfolios, or the GraspOS Assessment Registry, as it enables the systematic cataloging of assessment actors, documents, and evidence.
Since RAiD is a relatively new initiative, there is a crucial requirement for use cases to demonstrate its value and aid in gathering requirements from real-life scenarios. GraspOS is well-positioned to offer such use cases by implementing RAiD profiles capable of gathering information for research assessment events.
Focus areas: Infrastructure, Theoretical framework, Datasets
Expected outcomes: Adapting FAIRCORE4EOSC RAiD service for use in GraspOS assessment services; joint dissemination