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Learning all about the new built-in Node.js test runner.
Little Node and NPM secrets I learnt along the way
The typical script names in package.json and how I run them
Do not use lax restore cache keys or your cache will roll over with unused dependencies
How to prune unused Docker images, delete large node_modules, and clean old Cypress binaries
How to bundle and transpile your NPM module to run on older Node versions.
How to patch fix installed NPM module to avoid waiting for an official bug fix.
How to perform end-to-end API testing using Cypress test runner and take advantage of server logs.
How to capture console.log, console.error and even DEBUG=... logs.
How to share packaged NPM tgz module on GitHub.
Use a separate environment variable name to avoid NPM tricking you.
How to require private NPM modules straight from GitHub without publishing them to NPM.
How to print from your Node programs in formats compatible with 3rd party logging tools.
Carriage return character, progress bar and progressive enhancement.
How to debug Mocha tests running in Node using Chrome DevTools inspector.
Use subfolders installed as NPM dependencies to avoid long relative paths in require.
How I publish modules for older versions of Node.
Setting up a rock solid NPM module with semantic release in 30 seconds.
How to patch a bug, use the fix in prod and submit the pull request in five minutes.
Call sites API does not support source maps, while exception stack does.
How to update the code comments during program execution.
Speed up resources by pushing them from a Node HTTP/2 server.
How to setup semantic release on private GitLab and on-premises NPM registry.
Examples of useful functionality that can be used in Node without code changes.
Small shortcut for using shell variable with default values in NPM scripts.
Node.js is really really really susceptible to code injection attacks.
Deploying several microservices into the cloud with Tutum.
Deploying website and microservice containers to production.
Building microservices with Fuge
Manage side effects when coding NodeJS servers with Rx and Cycle.js (NOT about server-side rendering).
Plus how to run a web application when the JavaScript itself is disabled*.
My collection of personal CLI apps to speed up NodeJS development.
What useful ES6 features can we use right now?
Preventing easy to catch JavaScript bugs using linters.
How to use CircleCI to publish new versions of your NPM modules.
The most interesting presentations I have seen last month.
Generating JavaScript configurtion snippets from templates to be used with the Content-Security-Policy and disabled inline scripts.
How to monkey patch a broken global Node package, if you have to.
How to measure size and publish smaller modules to NPM.
How to deploy your own server to receive real time crash data.
Change live Angular application plus unit test private code from Node.
Building Angular application from CommonJS modules and powerful unit testing.
Using and observing ExpressJS sessions from the client code.
Use Mocha and the package script commands to quickly start unit testing CommonJS code.
Companion notes to the "Self-improving software" presentation
Steps to develop good ExpressJS based application server.
Publish tagged versions to NPM after successful CI build.
Avoid loading source files - put the code directly into the require cache.
Writing mock stdin text in your Nodejs unit tests.
Speed up Node.js application startup by caching require path resolutions.
How to unit test Node applications that use RethinkDB.
How to embed the commit id in the Express application using Codeship and Heroku.
Trying a tiny Node / browser NoSQL database with a clean API.
How to reuse grunt tasks from gulp
How to run ES6 (EcmaScript2015) code using 6to5 transpiler.
Convert NodeJS EventEmitter emit to a promise-returning method.
How to determine if a dependency module was actually used?
Replace NodeJS require to add cache busting, pre- and post-processing, mocking, arguments.
Measuring how close a library follows semver semantics when publishing new releases.
Check if your current module breaks other modules before publishing.
$q.all(Array) and $q.all(Object) example
Examples of unit testing Angular code from Node.
Loading and running simple Angular app under Node.
How to observe JavaScript v8 JIT events
Asynchronous processing using ES6 generators.
Another set of examples using generators.
Current level of ES6 in various tools.
Playing with ES6 generators in Node.
Experiments with thread-local storage in Node.
Simplify on deman resource loading with promises.
Event-driven input/output makes for an efficient system for distributed computing.
Angular library can be loaded under Node synthetic browser environment.
Collecting JavaScript code coverage and sending to
A way to unit test JavaScript code inside Markdown blog posts.
Handling the errors in the promise chain.
How to test Connect or Express middleware functions.
Log loaded files, add code coverage and extra features on the fly.
How to write AngularJS code inside server-side Jade templates.
Quick demos using AngularJS library Restangular and JSON file backend.
Best book to read from the masters of NodeJS.
Using different linting settings depending on the code age
Main steps when deploying NodeJS app using Heroku CLI tool.
Ordering of execution can be tricky in the JavaScript event loop.
Linting, CI, badges and pre-commit hooks for Node project.
Measuring and increasing number of jshint settings.