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Links to projects mentioned during BuzzJS presentation.
Links to additional information included in my CycleCond 2016 presentation.
Helpful AngularJS code snippets.
The most interesting presentations I have seen last month.
Leave hooks in the AngularJS application to allow measuring how long individual actions take.
How to compute the filter's result asynchronously.
How to preserve reference to data when factoring out model data to services.
Change live Angular application plus unit test private code from Node.
Building Angular application from CommonJS modules and powerful unit testing.
Introduction to Angular data model vs view update.
Unit testing AngularJS code in record time using ng-describe.
Scope-based vs object-oriented controllers in Angular
How to embed and fetch version information for a specific Angular module.
Infographic with the main stats on these three frameworks.
Load and run full AngularJS 1.x in browser's separate thread.
Run any function in a separate web worker thread using ng-webworker.
Speeding up Angular 1.x demo to be on par with React
Share data model via scopes and limit the view access via controllerAs syntax.
New features to use right after upgrading to Angular 1.3 from 1.2
Things we had to change in order to upgrade from Angular 1.2.26 to 1.3.14
How to use provider to allow user modules to configure 3rd party features.
Resources and links for learning about upcoming v2 AngularJS.
Good way to call the first promise-returning function.
Simple end to end testing via iframe API.
Summary of the AngularJS performance lessons learnt.
Test live application by mocking responses without modifying code or installing plugins.
Semi-private data common to link and controller without adding to the scope.
Limit dirty checking to the given scope when reacting to user events.
An experiment in offloading AngularJs dirty checking and model updates to a separate browser thread.
Profiling and speeding up AngularJs application step by step using Chrome DevTools code snippets
$q.all(Array) and $q.all(Object) example
Changing filter function after async initialization.
See what each loaded Angular module provides and how it links to its dependencies.
Examples of unit testing Angular code from Node.
Prevent silent module overrides, misspelled directives, undefined expressions.
Loading and running simple Angular app under Node.
Methods one needs to call to make the unit tests work.
Testing lazy async assertion by spying on objects.
Extend promises returned by $q with timeout method
Using Jade instead of HTML for AngularJS directives.
Access angular model and update DOM from the browser console.
Using providers to inject runtime values into modules.
If a directive is recursive, you must use template url to avoid infinite loop.
A few useful applications of AngularJS parsing service.
Angular library can be loaded under Node synthetic browser environment.
Stop hunting phantom problems due to name collisions.
How to prevent hard to debug AngularJS injection errors due to minified code.
AngularJS relies on closures rather than modules, removing need to bind a context.
Example Angular application fetching more data on scroll.
Catch all possible errors using both global and angular error hooks.
How to pass configuration into AngularJS during server-side template rendering.
How to develop AngularJS applications in offline mode.
Precompiling all AngularJS HTML templates into single javascript bundle.
How to write AngularJS code inside server-side Jade templates.
Quick demos using AngularJS library Restangular and JSON file backend.
iit, xit, ddescribe, xdescribe
Tiny JavaScript examples that simplify and clean up your code.
Books, emails, websites for learning JavaScript, AngularJs and HTML5