poisson-disk-sampling Public
Single file, header-only, no-dependencies C library for Poisson disk sampling in arbitrary dimensions.
obj-io Public
Single-file, header-only, no dependencies C++ implementation of the Wavefront obj file format.
fast-marching-method Public
Single file, header-only, no dependencies C++ implementation of the fast marching method in arbitrary dimensions.
EncinoWaves Public
Forked from blackencino/EncinoWavesImplementation of "Empirical Directional Wave Spectra for Computer Graphics" paper by Christopher Horvath
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 29, 2022 -
mtg_sideboard_map Public
Simple python script to generate sideboard guides for magic the gathering.
pnm-io Public
Single file, header-only, no-dependencies C++ module for reading and writing images in the PPM and PGM formats.
platonic-solids Public
Models, code, and images of the platonic solids in 3D.
dicomutils Public
Forked from raysearchlabs/dicomutilsA set of utilities for working with DICOM files
Python UpdatedMar 7, 2017 -
feedforward-neural-network Public
Simple feedforward neural network in Python running on MNIST hand-written digit recognition task.
Python UpdatedNov 3, 2016 -