- 😎 Software Engineer
- ✨ Knight at LeetCode
- ✨ Ex-Research intern @ Samsung R&D
- 👀 Currently working with MERN stack
- 📫 sailesh953@gmail.com
- ✨ If you want to learn how to upload files to github 👉Let's Start
S.No | Project Name | tags | Demo Link | Code Link |
1 | E-Cart | React.js , MERN , e-commerce |
Website | link |
2 | Health App | Flutter , Firebase , cross-platform |
Website | link |
3 | Smart City Traveller | android , API |
video | link |
4 | Weather App | android , API |
video | link |
5 | Space War Game | andoid |
link | |
6 | SMS encryption app | andoid |
link | |
7 | MBTI Personality predictor | Machine Learning |
link |