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Other Android apps can use Gallery, Map and other parts of "a Photo Manager" throught the "Intent api".

  • open/view/send/sendto an image (jpg/png/gif) from a android filemanager will open the Image-View

    • if mimeType="image/*" and uri starts with "file:/"
  • view/send/sendto an image (jpg/png/gif) from android gallery will open the Image-View

    • if mimeType="image/*" and uri starts with "content:/external/images/media/"
  • view/send/sendto a geo-position in a Geografic-Map

    • if uri starts with "geo:"
  • pick a geo-position from a Geografic-Map or from "a photo that contain geo information"

    • action="PICK"
    • if input-intent-uri starts with "geo:"
    • returns null (cancel) or intent with geo-uri for the selected posion in the callers onActivityResult()
  • pick an image from Gallery-View

    • action="PICK" or "GET_CONTENT"
    • if mimeType="image/*"
    • returns null (cancel) or intent with content-uri for the selected photo in the callers onActivityResult()
  • Edit Exif-properties of a jpg file in Edit Properties (Exif) View

    • action=EDIT
    • mime="image/*"
  • Open a Virtual Album or .album-file in the Gallery-View

    • action=VIEW
    • if uri ends with ".album" or ".query"
  • Edit a Virtual Album or .album-file in the Filter-View

    • action=Edit
    • if uri ends with ".album" or ".query"
  • Edit and Execute a Backup to zip through a backup configuration file .zip.apm.config

    • action=VIEW or EDIT
    • if uri ends with ".zip.apm.config"
  • Show points from a gpx/kml or poi file in a Geographic-Map

    • action=VIEW
    • if uri ends with ".gpx", ".poi" or ".kml"
  • import photo properties from a csv file .csv

  • extra[android.intent.extra.TITLE string]

  • data=file:{/path/path/.../file.ext} or extra[android.intent.extra.STREAM]=file:{/path/path/.../file.ext}

    • example file:/storage/sdcard0/copy/hello.jpg
  • data=content:/external/images/media/{id} or extra[android.intent.extra.STREAM]=content:/external/images/media/{id}

    • opens image belonging to {id} in Exif-Edit
    • example content:/external/images/media/52173
      • opens image with id=52173

"a Photo Manager" supports these uri formats for data={xxx} or extra[android.intent.extra.STREAM]={xxx}

  • file:{/path/path/.../file.ext}
    • opens in Image-View if mime="image/*" for action=VIEW/SEND/SENDTO
    • examle file:/storage/sdcard0/copy/hello.jpg
  • file:{xxx}
    • opens Gallery-View with pathfilter={xxx} if mime="image/*" for action=VIEW/SEND/SENDTO if xxx is not an image file
    • example file:kreta
      • opens Gallery-View showing all files that contain "kreta" in its full path
  • content:/external/images/media/{id}
    • opens image belonging to {id} in Image-View for action=VIEW/SEND/SENDTO/SEND_MULTIBLE
    • example content:/external/images/media/52173
      • opens image #52173. If there is no extra[de.k3b.extra.FILTER] swiping left/right will browse to images in the same (sub-)folder as #52173
  • geo:{latitude},{longitude}?z={zoomlevel}
    • opens Geografic-Map at {latitude} {longitude} {zoomlevel}
    • example geo:53.036258,8.721771?z=11
    • example geo:53,8.7
    • zoomlevel 1..14 is optional. z=3 continent; z=11 streetlevel

"a Photo Manager" supports these optional intent parameters

  • purpose define the title of the gui
  • purpose define which items should be visible
  • the content is the same as in Filter-View
  • format {latitude min},{longitude min};{latitude max},{longitude max};{date min},{date max};{path}
  • format noGeoInfo;;{date min},{date max};{path}
  • example 1.23,2.34;3.45,4.56;2001-02-03,2005-12-31;/some/path/
  • example noGeoInfo;;2001-02-03,2005-12-31;/some/path/
    • noGeoInfo is used to show only those photos that have no geo infos.
  • technically this filter defines the sql-where part without ordering or colums formulas.
  • de.k3b.extra.OFFSET offset in sql that should be initally visible in Image-View.
    • Example: OFFSET=5 in the gallery view will open the 5th image in the sql-query
  • purpose define which items are currently selcted if gallery is in multi selection mode
  • SELECTED_ITEMS_PATH format {/path/to/file.jpg},{/path/to/file.jpg},...
  • if both SELECTED_ITEMS and SELECTED_ITEMS_PATH are used then they must have the same lenght and same order. id[0]=path[0], id[1]=path[1], ...

".query files" can be used to create summery queries with count, group by, having....

Note: The same format is also used in the intent api for extra parameter de.k3b.extra.SQL


  • Lines, seperated by newline character. Each line is either
    • a comment starting with '#', '//' or '--'
      • the keyword is similar to sql
        • select [SELECT] from [FROM] where [WHERE+WHERE-PARAMETERS] group by [GROUP-BY] having [HAVING+HAVING-PARAMETERS] order by [ORDER-BY]
    • a value, that belongs to the keyword.

See also


simple filter "Path"

Purpose: show only images that contain "kreta" in the full file path

		_data like ?

This is the same as setting "Path" in Filter-View

The above query is the same as

	# where data comes from: content://media/external/images/media = media gallery images; content://media/external/file any type of file (audo, image, video, ...)
		# 11 gallery; # 13 album. See FotoSql.java QUERY_TYPE_xxx 
	# NOTE: there are no commas between the colum-definitions.
	# _id ist the image id
	# disp_txt is the photo title
	_data AS disp_txt
	# count is the number of photos represented by one item. Displayed as (xxx) in the title if > 1
	0 AS count
	# longitude is an indicator that item has geo data. If not null displayed as "#" to indicate geo data. 
	_data like ?
	# meaning "where _data like '%kreta%'

complex filter

Purpose: show only images that

  • has geolocation (34.691944,23.480529) .. (36.071302,24.732971)
  • photo was taken between 2013-01-01 and 2014-01-01
  • contain "kreta" in the full file path
	# NOTE: there are no "AND-s" between the colum-definitions.
	latitude >= ?
	latitude < ?
	longitude >= ?
	longitude < ?
	datetaken >= ?
	datetaken < ?
	_data like ?

This is the same as setting all fields in Filter-View

Note: column "datetaken" value can be millisecs since 1970 or iso-date in format yyyy-mm-dd

Note: the simple sql parser can translate this to a filter only if WHERE parameter-elements are exactly written like the example above. If you put additional blanks or change the casing the translation from query to filter does not work.


  • "latitude >= ?" will be translated to filter item lat-min
  • "latitude  >= ?" will not be translated to any filter item because there is an additional blank
  • "Latitude >= ?" will not be translated to any filter item because there is a capital "L" instead of "l"

non standard filter

Purpose: show only panorama pictures

  ((height/width >= 2) or (width/height >= 2))

This cannot be done in the Filter-View

advanced complex grouping-drill-down-query

a query can be as complex as this:

	max(_id) AS _id
	# folder name calculated from full-path "_data" and filename "_display_Name" to be displayed
	Substr(_data,1, length(_data) - length(_display_Name)) AS disp_txt
	# if folder contain more than 1 item the count will be appended as (...) to the name
	count(*) AS count
	# folder name calculated from full-path "_data" and filename "_display_Name" to be displayed	
	Substr(_data,1, length(_data) - length(_display_Name)) AS _display_Name
	# not null if at least one photo in folder has geo info
	max(longitude) AS longitude
	# "where_param" is used to drill down i.e. clicking on a folder in the gallery view will open a child  gallery view with the folder contant.
	'Substr(_data,1, length(_data) - length(_display_Name)) = ''' || Substr(_data,1, length(_data) -  length(_display_Name))  || '''' AS where_param
	# group by folder name
	Substr(_data,1, length(_data) - length(_display_Name))
    Substr(_data,1, length(_data) - length(_display_Name))

note: you have to load this from the Gallery-View to make it work.

See also

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