original work from: https://github.com/zjosua/anki-mc
This is my version of zjosua work. Thiss add on allows for multiple choice on anki, but only 5 options. For some german declinations I needed up to 8 diferent options in order to contain every declination. So I changed the original code and increased the possibility to 12 options (a bit extra just in case).
I also changed the colors to less bright ones for personal preference.
License kept from original work.
the only folder that actually matters is the "multiple-choice" folder inside "src". You just need to add this one to your add-on folder.
alternativelly you can add it trhought the anki add-ons tool, using the code 1573325751. my add-on link is this: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1573325751
The note type is automatically added the first time you start Anki after installing the add-on.
When creating cards, write a "1" for correct choices or a "0" for incorrect choices in the "Answers" field. The question type can be selected with the field "QType". It can be either 0 (Kprim), 1 (Multiple Choice) or 2 (Single Choice). The Screenshots section shows how the question types look. These values in the "Answer" field must be separated by a single space. The order and number of values in the "Answer" field must correspond with the choices "Q_1" to "Q_5". If you don't need all the choices, just leave the remaining "Q_" fields blank and only enter as many values as you need in the "Answers" field.
Multiple Choice for Anki is Copyright © 2021 zjosua
It is licensed under the AGPLv3. For more information refer to the LICENSE file.
A bunch of code in this add-on is based on the Anki add-ons Image Occlusion Enhanced and Cloze Overlapper by Glutanimate. Click here to support Glutanimate's work.
Persistence is achieved using the code from Simon Lammer's anki-persistence. Great work Simon!
Hax merged my Multiple Choice card template with Simon Lammer's persistence code. He also reworked my card templates into one single all-in-one template. Thanks a lot!
Simon's and Hax's work made the multiple choice cards compatible with all platforms.
Volker Umpfenbach contributed a change that allows to customize how the questions and answers are colorized. He also provided the code to calculate and display the percentage of correctly answered items per question.
Shoutout to 3ter for his contributions that improve card initialization and checkbox handling.
This add-on uses the packaging library.