Dennis Ritchie (September 9, 1941 – c. October 12, 2011), His full name was Dennis MacAlistair and known by his username DMR. He was born in Bronxville, New York. He was the creator of C programming language and the Unix operating system with his friend and colleague Ken Thompson. They received the Turing Award in 1983, the Hamming Medal in 1990 and the National Medal of Technology from President Clinton in 1999. He was also the president of Lucent Technologies System Software.
Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee (8 June 1955), known also by his username TimBL. He is an English citizen known for his invention of World Wide Web (WWW).He is the director of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the founder of World Wide Web Foundation, and he is a director of the Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI). He is a senior researcher MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). Finally, He is a member of the advisory board of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence.
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @timberners_lee
- Github: timbl
- Book: Weaving the Web
Richard Matthew Stallman (March 16, 1953). He is a software freedom activist and computer programmer. He is known as the father of GNU Project. He co-founded the League for Programming Freedom. In general, he is an activist who stands against software patents, digital rights management and all kinds of legal and technical systems that limits the users’ freedoms.
- Official Website:
- Books:
Linus Benedict Torvalds (December 28, 1969) is a Finnish American. He was the principal force behind the building of the Linux Kernel, the most popular kernel for operating systems. Not only did he create the revision control system Git, but also, he invented the diving log software Subsurface. In 2012, he and Shinya Yamanaka were honored with Millennium Technology Prize. He also received the 2014 IEEE Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award.
- Twitter: @Linus__Torvalds
- Github: torvalds
- Book: Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary
Brian Wilson Kernighan (January 1, 1942) is a Canadian computer scientist. He worked at Bell Labs and contributed to the creation of the Unix. He is the coauthor of AWK and AMPL programming languages. He became wildly known when co-authorship the first book on the C programming language. From 2000 till now, he is a Professor at the Computer Science Department of Princeton University.
- Books:
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @rasmus
- Github: rlerdorf
- Books:
- Official Website:
- Books:
- The Java Programming Language, 4th Edition
- The Java Language Specification, 3rd Edition
- The NeWS Book: An Introduction to the Network/Extensible Window System (Sun Technical Reference Library)
- Core Packages (The Java(TM) Application Programming Interface, Volume 1)
- Real World Java EE Night Hacks--Dissecting the Business Tier
- Window Toolkit and Applets (The Java(TM) Application Programming Interface, Volume 2)
- The Real-Time Specification for Java
- The Java Language Specification, Java SE 8 Edition (Java Series)
- The Java Language Specification, Java SE 7 Edition (Java Series)
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @photomatt
- Github: Matt Mullenweg
- Books:
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @brendaneich
- Github: BrendanEich
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @rebol3
- Github: carls
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @stroustrup
- Books:
- The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition
- Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++
- A Tour of C++ (C++ In-Depth Series)
- The C++ Programming Language: Special Edition (3rd Edition)
- The C++ Programming Language (3rd Edition)
- The Design and Evolution of C++
- The Annotated C++ Reference Manual
- C++ Programming Language, The
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @bramcohen
- Github: bramcohen
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @MrAlanCooper
- Books:
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @TimToady
- Github: TimToady
- Books:
- Unofficial WebSite:
- Books:
- The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP)
- The TeXbook
- The METAFONTbook
- Computers & Typesetting, Volumes A-E Boxed Set
- Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science
- Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science (2nd Edition)
- The Stanford GraphBase
- MMIXware
- The CWEB System of Structured Documentation, Version 3.0
- Literate Programming
- Selected Papers on Computer Science
- Digital Typography
- Selected Papers on Analysis of Algorithms
- Selected Papers on Computer Languages
- Selected Papers on Discrete Mathematics
- Selected Papers on Design of Algorithms
- Selected Papers on Fun and Games
- Companion to the Papers of Donald Knuth
- Surreal Numbers
- Mathematical Writing
- Mathematics for the Analysis of Algorithms
- Mariages Stables
- Axioms and Hulls
- 3:16 Bible Texts Illuminated
- Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @jwz
- Github: yesthatjwz
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @bradfitz
- Github: bradfitz
- Twitter: @joshbloch
- Books:
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @joeerl
- Github: joearms
- Books: Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World
- Official Website:
- Books:
- Unofficial Website:
- Book: Structured Programming (A.P.I.C. studies in data processing, no. 8)
- Official Website:
- Github: douglascrockford
- Book: JavaScript: The Good Parts
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @codinghorror
- Github: coding-horror
- Book: Effective Programming: More Than Writing Code
- Official Website:
- Twitter: @gvanrossum
- Github: gvanrossum
- Books:
- An Introduction to Python
- The Python Language Reference Manual
- Python 3: Distributing Modules: (Python Documentation Manual Part 6)
- Python 3 Reference Manual: (Python Documentation Manual Part 2)
- Python 3 And C Or C++: Extending And Embedding Python (Python Documentation Manual Part 5)
- PYTHON 2.6 Reference Manual: (Python Documentation MANUAL Part 2)
- Introduction To Python 3: (Python Documentation Manual Part 1)
- Python/C Api Manual - Python 3: (Python Documentation Manual Part 4)
- Using Python 3: And Installing Modules (Python Documentation Manual Part 3)
- PYTHON 2.6 and C or C++: Extending and Embedding Python (Python documentation MANUAL Part 5)
- Introduction to PYTHON 2.6: (Python Documentation MANUAL Part 1)
- PYTHON 2.6: Distributing Modules: (Python Documentation MANUAL Part 6)
- Python/C API Manual - PYTHON 2.6: (Python documentation MANUAL Part 4)
- USING PYTHON 2.6: and Installing Modules (Python documentation MANUAL Part 3)
- Official Website:
- Twitter: migueldeicaza
- Github: migueldeicaza